Monument record MHG50819 - Loch Slapin


No summary available.


Grid reference Centred NG 5624 2140 (20m by 20m)
Map sheet NG52SE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish STRATH


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NMRS Report: (11/06/2007 14:51:05)
NG52SE 120 5625 2140

NG 5625 2140 The remains of a stone built farmstead consisting of:
1). A square cornered house, on a north-south axis, with lime mortared walls 0.7m thick, which measutres 8.0m by 4.4m overall. A door opening 0.6m wide lies in the centre of the east wall. A low half circular platform abuts the south end of the house. 3.5m to the east of the house is a well preserved square, stone built enclosure which measures 11.0m on the west side, 16.5m on the north side, 19.0m on the east side and 13.5m on the south side. An entrance 0.8m wide lies in the centre of the west wall, facing the house.
2). 35.0m to the south of 1 are the foundations of a round cornered house which measures 10.0m by 4.0m over walls 0.6m thick. At the north end of 2 and part underlying its north end are the foundations of an earlier structure which measures 21.0m by 4.5m over walls 1.0m thick. The south-west corner of this structure is overlain by a stone built byre which measures 2.0m square over walls 0.6m thick and still standing 1.5m high.
Martin Wildgoose, George Kozikowski and Steven Birch, 1997.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Dataset: RCAHMS. 02/2008. Annual update from Canmore. Digital. 289013.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 28 2009 3:19PM

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