Monument record MHG50869 - Corarnstilmore


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Grid reference Centred NN 835 986 (20m by 20m)
Map sheet NN89NW


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NMRS Report: (20/06/2007 08:18:53)
NN89NW 19 835 987

NN 835 987 Settlement. Site identified during an archaeological survey of Glen Feshie. A total of 27 settlements (or clusters of buildings) were recorded, with a total of 293 individual archaeological features.
Structure A - A corn-drying kiln and barn lie on the north side of the crest of a knoll.
Structure B - On the ground the grass covered low turf footings of a structure measuring 8m x 4m are barely discernible.
Enclosure C - Situated in a large depression this (probable) enclosure is sub-square and slopes gently to the west, it measures roughly 17m x 14m.
Structure D - A rectangular platform on a raised area to the north of enclosure C, is on a east / west axis.
Structure E - Southmost of 2 rectangular structures recessed into the west end of the knoll. Lies on a NE/SW axis and measures 11m x 3m.
Structure F - Northmost of the two structures mentioned above, this lies immediately adjacent to and on the same alignment as structure E.
Structure G - The low turf footings (0.2m high) of a structure measuring 12m x 4m can be identified lying on a north/south axis.
Structure H - A rectangular building, on a north/south axis and measuring 15m x 4m lies to the north of the knoll.
Structure J - Indistinct footings of this structure, to the south of H, appear well on aerial photographs, but on the ground are barely discernable. It measures 6m x 3.5m.
Structure K - Situated on the edge of the terrace this small rectangular building on a north/south axis measures only 5m x 2.5m.
Structure L - A rectangular structure lying on a north/south axis, internal measurement is 6m x 2.5m.
Storage pits M - Two possible storage pits are situated at the bottom of the NE slope of the knoll and are 3m apart.
NN 837 985 - Storage pits N and P - 250m to the SE there are two small structures on the east side of a ridge - possible storage pits, possibly associated with the settlement.
M. Marshall, October 2003.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Dataset: RCAHMS. 02/2008. Annual update from Canmore. Digital. 289140.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 28 2009 3:19PM

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