Monument record MHG50882 - Raasay, Hallaig
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NG 5901 3849 (20m by 20m) |
Map sheet | NG53NE |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Civil Parish | PORTREE |
Type and Period (4)
Full Description
NMRS Report: (21/06/2007 07:48:19)
NG53NW 72 5901 3850
NG 5901 3850 Sites identified during an archaeological survey of the townships of Hallaig and An Leac and the surrounding area.
Shelter - Feature 8. Some 4m east of a high scarp a small shelter has been built against the slope.
House - Feature 9. An oval house, 12.20m x 3m internally, lies northeast-southwest on its long axis.
House and Byre - Feature 10. Lying 2m to the south of Feature 9 and parallel to it, an oval structure, 11m x 3.60m internally.
Byre - Feature 11. Lying northwest-southeast on its long axis, approximately 3m to the west of Feature 14, is a rectangular byre, bow-ended at the northeast end.
Foundations - Feature 12. Very low banks, 0.2m high at maximum, form a U-shaped structure open at the northeast end and measuring approximately 6m x 2.60m.
Foundations - Feature 13. A low oval of turf and stone walling lies in grass and moss, set east-west on its long axis.
House - Feature 14. Lying 7m to the south of Feature 13 a drystone structure, 7.60m x 3.20m, lies east-west on its long axis.
Byre - Feature 15. Lying 6m to the east of Feature 14 a ruinous structure, 8.80m x 3.80m internally, lies southeast - northwest on its long axis.
Structure - Feature 16. A low, grass-covered oval structure, lying east-west on its long axis, measures 6m x 3m.
House - Feature 17. The low footings of a long house lying east-west on its long axis measure 13.50m x 4.50m internally.
House - Feature 18. 2m southwest of Feature 17 the very low outline of an oval structure lies east-west on its long axis in grass and moss.
House and Byre - Feature 19. The faint outline of an oval structure lies northeast-southwest on its long axis and measures 13m x 4.80m internally.
House and Byre - Feature 20. Lying 2m northwest of Feature 19 and 5m south of Feature 10 is an oval structure set almost north-south on its long axis and measuring 11m x 3.60m internally.
Cairn - Feature 21. Under the crags there is one clearance cairn.
House - Feature 22. An oval structure, lying east-west on its long axis adjacent to the south corner of Feature 19, measures 6.50m x 3.50m internally.
Possible Kiln Barn - Feature 23. Lying 2m east of Feature 22, two arcs of stone and turf banking may originally have formed one feature, 10m long externally, lying east-west on its long axis.
Byre - Feature 24. A small oval structure 3m south of Feature 23 lies north-south on its long axis.
Complex of Foundations - Feature 25. Lying 6m to the south of Feature 22 is a complex of low foundations which seems to represent several phases of building.
Foundations - Feature 26. The very low foundations of an oval structure, set east-west on its long axis, lie 9m southeast of Feature 17.
Structure - Feature 27. A small sub-rectangular structure, 6m x 3.40m, has low ruinous walls which, where they survive, are turf over stone.
House - Feature 28. Lying 4m to the west of Feature 27 and set north-south on its long axis are the vestigal remains of a sub-rectangular structure 12m x 3.80m.
House - Feature 29. A sub-rectangular house lies northeast-southwest on its long axis and measures 11.40m x 3.65m at the northeast end and 2.90m at the southwest end.
Byre - Feature 30. Lying 3m to the south of Feature 29 is a small sub-rectangular structure measuring 5m x 2.50m. The building lies northeast-southwest on its long axis with low walling, on average 0.80m thick.
House - Feature 31. Lying north-south on its long axis are the vestigal remains of a sub-rectangular structure, 13m x 3.50m overall.
Store - Feature 32. A crescent shaped structure is scarped into the slope and lined with drystone walling 1m high at maximum internally.
House - Feature 33. 1m to the east of Feature 32 a sub-rectangular drystone structure lies north-south on its long axis and measures 9.60m x 4m internally.
House - Feature 34. Lying 1.50m to the north of Feature 33 are the degraded remains of a house 14.40m x 6m.
House - Feature 35. Lying 2m to the south of Feature 27 a sub-rectangular structure lies east-west on its long axis and measures 7m x 3m internally.
Store - Feature 36. Lying 3.5m south of Feature 35 a small 3-sided structure is set northeast-southwest on its long axis and measures 4.80m x 2m internally.
House - Feature 37. Lying 1m east of Feature 33 is a very ruinous structure, 11m x 5.60m overall, which is now seen as a sub-rectangular scoop in reeds and grass.
Foundations - Feature 38. Lying on a fairly flat terrace almost 10m south of Feature 33 are the vestigial remains of what may have been a house, 9.60m x 3.60m internally.
House - Feature 39. Lying 12m southwest of Feature 33 and north-south on its long axis are the vestigial remains of a structure which has possibly measured 12m x 4m internally.
ACFA, 2004.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24123 Dataset: RCAHMS. 02/2008. Annual update from Canmore. Digital. 289171.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jan 28 2009 3:19PM
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