Monument record MHG50944 - Camas Chonalain, Loch Hourn


No summary available.


Grid reference Centred NG 85371 07660 (20m by 20m)
Map sheet NG80NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

NMRS Report: (12/07/2007 12:31:31)
NG80NE 25 85371 07661

Sites identified during an archaeological survey by NOSAS in 2006.
NG 85371 07661 Clearance cairn - A linear pile of stones, measuring c10m in length by 2m in width.
NG 85395 07672 Wall - A ruined stone wall, possibly a boundary. A short section is visible on the west side of the stream, it then crosses the stream and heads for c30m NE upslope beside the stream. It re-crosses onto the west side of the burn, from where it continues to run parallel to it.
NG 85395 07672 Rock shelter - A rock shelter, measuring c1.5m x 1m, fronted by a well-made drystone wall, through which is a c0.6m wide entrance with a slabbed threshold, located towards the north end of the wall.
NOSAS, 2007.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Dataset: RCAHMS. 02/2008. Annual update from Canmore. Digital. 289640.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 28 2009 3:19PM

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