Monument record MHG5135 - Skeabost Island
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NG 4181 4850 (150m by 82m) |
Map sheet | NG44NW |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Civil Parish | PORTREE |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Report and photographs from Martin Wildgoose, via Mary Carmichael, that the condition of one of the walls of the 'Cathedral of the Isels' is causing concern and in danger of collapse. Historic Scotland has been advised.
(KC 04/2004)
See also:
NG44NW0038 Graveyard
J Aitken : 19/12/02
Report by Martin Wildgoose in Assoc. Docs. Assessment of flood damage and recommendations.
HS 'minded to grant' SMC for repairs, 27/9/2000
JW 14/11/00
Fax and phone call from Mary Carmichael, Heritage Officer, Skye and Lochalsh, reporting severe flood damage in November and subsequently during the 1999/2000 winter. Action needed to conserve the site. Historic Scotland contacted today.
JW 8/2/00
NMRS Notes:
NG44NW 3 4182 4850.
(NG 4182 4850) Chapel (NR) (Site of)
OS 6"map, Inverness-shire, 2nd ed., (1904)
Skeabost Island is occupied by a churchyard containing the ruins of two churches, one of comparatively late date, and the other a Teampull, smaller and much earlier.
Both Muir (1885) and MacGibbon and Ross (1896-7), however, describe "a group of five or six chapels, the shell of two pretty entire, the others nearly reduced to the ground." The latter continues, "fragments of an enclosing wall or rampart can also be traced," and infers that it was probably a Celtic monastic establishment. The Old Statistical Account of Scotland (OSA 1795) supports this, saying it was formerly "a habitation of monks and priests" and was in all probability the "metropolitan church of the whole island of Skye".
The teampull is dedicated to St. Columba. In 1501 "Schir Nichol Berchame" was "chapellane of the parsonage of Sanct Colmez Kirk in Sneesford in Trotternish, in the lordship of the Islis, togidder with the annexis and vicarigis thairof, that is to say Kilmolowok and Kilmory in Walternes." (But see Simpson 1927)
The vicarage of Snizort and Raasay was received in 1526 by Sir Donald Monis. In 1561 the parsonage of Snizort pertained to the Bishop of the Isles.
The teampull is in a fairly good state of preservation, the S wall being somewhat broken down. It is orientated almost due E-W and measures 15ft 10ins in length and 9ft 4ins in breadth internally, the walls of stone and lime being 2ft 8ins thick.
The N wall, which is complete, stands 7ft high; the gables are about 11ft Both gables are intaken 5ins at the wall-head, indicating an early medieval not an old Celtic structure. The door is at the NW corner of the building.
The church which stands almost E-W and measures externally about 79ft in length and 26ft 9ins in breadth, is now represented by grass-grown mounds. It has been encroached on by walled private burial grounds, and the only piece of building visible is on the N side near the E end. It would seem to have had a chancel.
This site is associated with a Pictish symbol stone (Clach Ard - NG44NW 1), and is in all probability not to be assigned to St. Columba whose genuine foundations always bore the name Columkille (W D Simpson 1927)
T S Muir 1885; D MacGibbon and T Ross 1896-7; OSA 1795; RCAHMS 1928; W
D Simpson 1927.
The teampull and church on Skeabost Islands are substantially as described by the RCAHMS but deterioration of the fabric has taken place since the report and the SW corner is in a very unstable condition. The whole of the churchyard is in a neglected state.
Visited by OS (C F W) 11 April 1961.
Sources/Archives (10)
- --- SHG10210 Image/Photograph(s): Church etc. Skeabost Island. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG10212 Image/Photograph(s): Church etc. Skeabost Island. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG21719 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wildgoose, M. 02/2000. Skeabost Island, Isle of Skye: An assesment of flood damage sustained on the 4th-5th November 1999. Dualchas Museums' Service. 20/05/2002. Digital (scanned as PDF).
- --- SHG24004 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 2. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 41, 45.
- --- SHG24005 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council Archaeology Unit. HCAU Slide Collection Sheet 3. Colour slide. . Digital (scanned). 49.
- --- SHG2443 Text/Publication/Volume: MacGibbon and Ross, D and T. 1896-7. The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest Christian times to the seventeenth century. Vol. 1, 68-9.
- --- SHG2550 Text/Publication/Volume: Muir, T S. 1885. Ecclesiological notes on some of the islands of Scotland. 35.
- --- SHG2606 Text/Publication/Volume: Sir John Sinclair (ed.). 1791-9. The statistical account of Scotland, drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes. Vol. 18, 185-6.
- --- SHG2656 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1928. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Ninth report with inventory of monuments and constructions in the Outer Hebrides, Skye and the Small Isles. . 192-3, No. 616.
- --- SHG2796 Text/Publication/Volume: Simpson, W D. 1927. The historical Saint Columba. 28, 65.
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Record last edited
Feb 8 2011 10:24AM
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