Building record MHG51393 - Mess, Loans of Tullich


Canteen buildings, part of Loans of Tullich military camp.


Grid reference Centred NH 85653 76931 (25m by 29m)
Map sheet NH87NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish FEARN


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The building consists of two single storey, pitched roof buildings parallel to one another, linked by a central flat roofed section. The principle buildings are both 28ft wide internally with the eastern unit being 70ft long and the western one 85ft long, and projecting 15ft behind the eastern one. They are separated by a 12ft gap in which the flat roofed linking section is centrally located. There is a brickwork tower in the SE corner of the eastern block and also a brickwork chimney stack above the kitchen area of this same block. The roof is internally lined with smooth asbestos cement and externally with ridged asbestos cement sheets. The flat roof on the connecting area is of concrete construction. The concrete floor slab and brickwork walls and partitions are in sound condition. The doorways in the gable walls have been enlarged for agricultural use of the main dining areas. Roof trusses are corroded but in reasonable structural order and much of the asbestos cement lining is broken and scattered <1>.

The building has greatly deteriorated since the previous report - the southern ends of both buildings remain in reasonable condition, with the water tower still extant. However, the roof of the northern section of the eastern building has collapsed inwards and most of the brickwork has fallen. The brickwork of the western building appears to be stable but the roof super-structure looks to be in a very poor state with the asbestos sheeting on the roof riddled with holes and on the verge of collapse. The flat roofed linking building looks to have survived in a reasonable condition. Vegetation has encroached throughout the building <2>. Photographed <3>.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Ash Consulting Group. 1999. Second World War Airfields at Tain and Fearn, Easter Ross. Ash Consulting Group. 30/07/1999. Paper (Copy).
  • <2> Verbal Communication: Puls, A. Comment by Andrew Puls, HC Archaeologist.
  • <3> Image/Photograph(s): Puls, A. Site Visit Photographs. Colour. . Digital.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Oct 2 2012 3:54PM

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