Building record MHG52694 - Buildings at Croft 119, Clachtoll


Old crofthouse and byre, possibly dating from the 1850s but more likely the 1870s, and an attached later house.


Grid reference Centred NC 04068 26897 (9m by 26m) (Centred)
Map sheet NC02NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

What is shown on the modern mapping as a single structure divided into four compartments is in fact two buildings, the earlier to the north with an attached shed or byre on the north gable, and a later new- or re-built continuing the alignment south. (Photos 7-11) The northern building (Photos 13-18) stands to full height only at the south gable and has been modified, notably in the NW where the west wall has been poorly rebuilt, inadequate to support a roof and probably as a stock pen. The undisturbed section of the west wall contains what may be the groove for a cruck frame. The east wall has been taken down to ground level and no doorway survives. Low grassy footings of internal partitions may be original, but a small single pitch roofed structure has been built inside the house against the south gable. This has a narrow entrance and may have been a kennel. The byre attached to the north consists of low grassy rubble.
The south building (Photos 19-28) is slightly narrower than the north. A fireplace and flue have been added by building a new wall face on to the shared gable; the fireplace lintel is a particularly fine piece of exotic worked stone. In two places, the collapsed inside face of the south gable and in the NW corner, the wall fill of pale sandy mortar is exposed, but other sections of walling appear to be drystone. The doorway is set north of centre in the east wall and a lintel of local sandstone lies just inside.
There is no trace of an extension to the west which appears to be indicated on modern mapping.<1>

<1> Dagg, C, 07/2009, Croft 119, Clachtoll, Assynt, Sutherland: Archaeological Evaluation, Site 1 (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG24428.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Dagg, C. 07/2009. Croft 119, Clachtoll, Assynt, Sutherland: Archaeological Evaluation. Unaffiliated. Digital. Site 1.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Dec 15 2009 3:30PM

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