Monument record MHG53458 - Building, north-west settlement, Upper Rogie


A reversed L-shaped building of three compartments forming part of the north-east farmstead of this settlement.


Grid reference Centred NH 43800 60129 (20m by 13m) (Centred)
Map sheet NH46SW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish FODDERTY


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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

A reversed L-shaped building, on a ENE-WSW alignment, comprising 3 compartments.
- The main, largest compartment, to the west, measures 7.8m x 3.8m internally, with the extension to the NW of an additional 4.4m x 3m. The dry stone walls in the south and west part are 0.2-0.3m high whilst those to the north are 0.6m high externally and that at the north end of the extension is 1.2m. A few features were noted - 1. An entrance in the SE wall possibly 1m in width, although the surviving aperture suggested 1.8m in width. 2. A stone edged drain in the E part of the compartment is 0.3m wide x 2m length x 0.2m deep. A possible further one is seen in the west part,
see plan. 3. A regular moss covered stone plinth to the rear/N of the building. It measured 2m length x 0.6m width x 0.5m height. It may have been buttressing for the wall.
- The central compartment measures 1.8m x 3.8m and has an entrance of 1.2m in width in the south wall. The walls are very variable in height from 0.2-0.7m.
- the east compartment is 4.4m x 3.6m internally and the walls are 0.3-0.5m high. A stone edged drain 0.4m wide x 1.8m length x 0.3m deep occupies a central position. Adjacent to the east a roughly circular depression 1.6m diameter x 0.4m deep may be a stank or a sump.
To the SE of the building a terrace runs along the length of the building. It is 2m width in the westpart and 1.2m in the east part. It is bounded by large boulders with a drop 0.3-0.5m to a marshydepression which appears to be man-made. The marshy depression is 8m N-S x 16m SW-NE narrowing at the NE end. It has steep banks to the south and east.
At the SE corner of the building a stone lined void, 0.2 x 0.2m x 0.8m depth may be the socket for a timber post. At the NE corner, the wasted turf and stone wall of enclosure 54 abuts. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2010. The Report of a Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains at Rogie, Ross-shire: February 2008 - May 2009. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. Feature 61.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Apr 9 2010 11:09AM

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