Monument record MHG54035 - Fragment of stone dyke, Migdale
Grid reference | Centred NH 6338 9198 (15m by 12m) |
Map sheet | NH69SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
A dyke feature and possible trackway recorded during a watching brief at Migdale.
A stane dyke, was recorded in the southeast corner of the site, with a possible return. This corresponds with the edge of an enclosure marked on the 1874 Ordnance Survey 1st edition map; no other trace of the enclosure boundary was found. It is probable the most of the wall had been robbed out at some point. A spread of stone was recorded where there appeared to be a gap in the stone dyke, although given the fragmentary nature of its survival in other locations this may be purely fortuitous. Nevertheless, this spread of stone was interpreted as a road or path in an entry to the enclosure. The stone sat directly on the natural deposits and appeared to have been deposited as one layer. It may simply be an attempt to counter poaching in a field entrance. <1>
<1> Higgins, P and Johnston, A, 09/2010, 194 Migdale: Archaeological Watching Brief Report (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG24975.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24975 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Higgins, P and Johnston, A. 09/2010. 194 Migdale: Archaeological Watching Brief Report. Archaeology North Ltd. 15/10/10. Digital.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jan 5 2011 9:18AM
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