Monument record MHG54274 - Building, Druim an Daraich
Grid reference | Centred NM 6806 8415 (10m by 7m) |
Map sheet | NM68SE |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
This ruined building was recorded by Ken and Jean Bowker and notified to the HER in January 2011. It is described as a
"complex little building is very tumbled with a maximum wall height of 1.5m, but most of the walls are collapsed. It lies north-east to south-west. Overall it measures approximately 11m x 5m and consists of two compartments: the north-eastern compartment is reasonably-well built and is approximately 5m x 5m. The south-western compartment is approximately 6m x 5m and is very roughly built. The joints between the two are very rudimentary, with no keying-in. Outside corners are round, inside corners are square. There is a wide doorway in the north-eastern end but no sign of a doorway in the south-western part. No windows are discernible anywhere. Each section has a walled- off area in the southern corners, possibly lambing cupboards, although the south-eastern one is possibly too large for this purpose.
A quantity of broken but good quality white crockery is piled in a hole in the south-eastern corner.
The two parts of the building, built at different times, and the large doorway in the eastern end, suggest a possible change of use, perhaps from residential to agricultural."
A substantial clearance cairn was also noted outside the south-eastern corner of the building with evidence of cultivation to the south, where the ground is heavily covered in bracken. <1>
<1> Bowker, K & J, 01/2011, Druim an Daraich: a ruin (Text/Manuscript). SHG25154.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG25154 Text/Manuscript: Bowker, K & J. 01/2011. Druim an Daraich: a ruin. Yes. Digital.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Feb 8 2011 4:03PM
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