Monument record MHG54319 - Township, West Mulchaich


The remains of several buildings and at least one enclosure visible on a modern aerial photograph. Local tradition has it that this settlement was the former Ferintosh distillery. Following whin clearance this site was surveyed in February and March 2009 by volunteers from the North of Scotland Archaeology Society. It was clear that several of the buildings had been completely overwhelmed by whins. The site was found to comprise the remains of seven buildings, a large enclosure, a quarry and several working areas. Two of the buildings were kilns with barns.


Grid reference Centred NH 5766 5688 (135m by 142m)
Map sheet NH55NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
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Full Description

An aerial photograph taken by Jim Bone clearly shows the earthworks of at least five buildings and at least one enclosure lying approximately 100 metres north of a chambered cairn. <1>

Following whin clearance this site was surveyed in February and March 2009 by volunteers from the North of Scotland Archaeology Society. It was clear that several of the buildings had been completely overwhelmed by whins. Local knowledge suggests that this settlement was a distillery and from the solid nature of the structures and their uniformity it is quite possible that the majority of the buildings were constructed at the same time and to a plan, making a positive case for this site being one of the distilleries that John Forbes built in the 1760s. The site was found to comprise the remains of seven buildings, a large enclosure, a quarry and several working areas. Two of the buildings were kilns with barns. The survey report gazetteer entry reads as follows:

"The site is located to the N of the farm of Mulchaich on the slopes of the Black Isle opposite the town of Dingwall just 1km from the shore of the Cromarty Firth. These slopes are NW facing and intensively farmed, but the site itself appears to have been neglected and is heavily overgrown with gorse and whins; the small patches of grass that remain free of gorse are grossly trampled by cattle. The settlement covers an area of 100m x 70m and is situated on two steep spurs of ground which enclose a marsh. The majority of the buildings are on the north most of these spurs. The site comprises the remains of 7 buildings, a large enclosure and several working areas.

The remains of six substantial buildings are very obvious. A seventh building on the south spur is barely discernable; this building continues into a neighbouring garden where it has been enhanced to form a platform for a garden seat. Apart from these 7 buildings the site also comprises an enclosure and several working areas. A quarry and some of the worked areas in the NE part of the site may be relatively recent. See plan for layout.

Five of the six buildings are of similar construction. They have the remains of solid stone footings, the walls probably robbed of much of their stone, on substantial turf and stone platforms. The platforms have underbuild of as much as 1m height at their lower ends, buildings 04, 05 and 06 for example. The wall footings are generally of stone and turf, although in some places they have double faced stonework with a rubble core. The walls vary from 0.5m to 0.7m height externally and 0.2m to 0.5m internally.

Two of the six buildings are kilns with barns. The upper one, site 07, is constructed into a steep bank and is much more wasted than the lower one, site 02. This is more substantially constructed and has 3 compartments; the upper compartment being a kiln bowl which has been filled in.

Two of the buildings, sites 03 and 05, have opposing entrances, although in both cases one of the entrances is not very convincing. Site 01, straddles the lowest part of the marsh and has 4 compartments, the south one of which extends into the neighbouring garden where its limits are undiscernible. Site 06 also has 4 compartments each having a wide entrance in the east wall.

The enclosure, site 09, too has the remains of quite substantial surrounding walls and slopes gently towards the NW. The quarry, site 12, has a south and west face of 1.5m deep, the NE bank is 0.7m deep and appears to respect the adjacent enclosure, but it is difficult to say whether or not it is contemporary with the settlement, it may well have been in use at a later date. The working areas, sites 10 and 11, slope gently to the west and are bounded on their west sides by an embankment of 0.5m to 0.8m height. A possible trackway descends the slope towards the marsh."

The survey plan is linked to this record and full background information is available in the survey report, also linked. <2> <3>

The site has now been adopted by NOSAS under the Archaeology Scotland 'Adopt-a-Monument' scheme.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • --- Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Meryl Marchall. 2013. A project to prepare the kiln at the West Settlement, Mulchaich Farm, Ferintosh, Ross-shire for presentation to the public. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital.
  • <1> Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Oblique: Bone, J. Aerial photographs of various sites submitted by Jim Bone. Colour. Yes. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2011. A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains at Mulchaich Farm, Ferintosh, Ross-shire. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital.
  • <3> Collection/Project Archive: Marshall, M. 2011. A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains at Mulchaich Farm, Ferintosh, Ross-shire. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital.

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

May 12 2015 5:16PM

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