Monument record MHG55706 - Post-medieval farmstead - Glen Bracadale, Bracadale, Skye


A post-medieval farmstead was recorded during a walkover survey by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2012 at Glen Bracadale, Bracadale, Skye, prior to a proposed woodland creation scheme.


Grid reference Centred NG 37439 39403 (41m by 77m)
Map sheet NG33NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish BRACADALE


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A post-medieval farmstead was recorded during a walkover survey by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2012 at Glen Bracadale, Bracadale, Skye, prior to a proposed woodland creation scheme. It consisted of several components which were, north to south: two houses; a byre; a kaleyard and an enclosure. Part of the Glen Bracadale township.

The northernmost house (feature 10d) was a grass covered turf or stone sub-rectangular building measuring 10m north-south by 5.5m wide over walls spread to 2m and up to 1m high. There was a 1m wide entrance in the east wall.

The second, and largest, house (feature 10a) was grass covered and built of stone or turf. It was sub-rectangular and measured 16m long north-south by 5m over walls spread to 2m wide and up to 1m high. The entrance was 1m wide in the east wall.

The byre (feature 10b) was covered in grass and built of turf or stone. It was sub-rectangular and measured 7m north-south by 5m over walls 2m wide and up to 1m high. It had no visible entrance.

The kaleyard (feature 10c) was attached to the south-east corner of the larger of the two houses (10a) was covered in grass and was built of stone or turf. It measured 15m north-south over walls spread to 2m wide and up to 1m high.

At the south end of the complex was a grass covered stone or turf-built enclosure (feature 10e). It was 4m south of the rest of the farmstead and measured 32m north-south by 16m over walls spread to 2m wide and up to 1m high. <1>

<1> Birch, S. & Peteranna, M., 2012, Amer Woodland Creation Project: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment and Walkover Survey, pp.28-9 Nos.10a-e (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG25686.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Birch, S. & Peteranna, M.. 2012. Amer Woodland Creation Project: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment and Walkover Survey. West Coast Archaeological Services. Digital. pp.28-9 Nos.10a-e.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Oct 4 2012 10:36AM

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