Monument record MHG56050 - Bowl barrow - Urchany, Kilmorack


A large earthwork, originally thought to be a henge but with a central mound, at Urchany, Kilmorack. It is now thought top be a rare (for the Highlands) bowl barrow with an external bank and ditch.


Grid reference Centred NH 4426 4550 (28m by 28m)
Map sheet NH44NW
Civil Parish KILMORACK
Geographical Area INVERNESS


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A large earthwork, possibly a henge, at Urchany, Kilmorack. It consists of a central mound, flat topped and about 7m diameter at the base, surrounded by a horseshoe shaped ridge of about 20m diameter. The mound and ridge are joined at the apex of the horseshoe by a connecting ridge or "causeway". The causeway and the apex of the horseshoe are on the west side of the mound. The horseshoe is open to the east. There are a few cup marked stones nearby, as well as cottage ruins and enclosures of the last few centuries. At 1 - 1.5km distance to the east there are hut circles and a dun. It was recorded by NOSAS. <1>

A site visit by K Cameron of the Highland Council was undertaken with members of NOSAS in June 2013, during which additional photographs were taken. <2>

The site was subject to topographical survey by members of NoSAS in July 2013. <3>

It is now thought to be a rare (for the Highlands) bowl barrow with and external bank and ditch. It was Scheduled by Historic Scotland on 10/10/2014. <4>

<1> Munro, A., 2013, Email from A Munro regarding mound at Urchany (Text/Correspondence). SHG25831.

<2> Cameron, K., 2013, Pers Comm K Cameron re: possible henge at Urchany (Personal communication). SHG25832.

<3> North of Scotland Archaeological Society, 2013, Earthwork at Urchany (Image/Drawing/Plan). SHG25852.

<4> Historic Scotland, 2014, Notification of Scheduled Monument: Urchany, barrow 595m SW of (Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument). SHG25766.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Text/Correspondence: Munro, A.. 2013. Email from A Munro regarding mound at Urchany. North of Scotland Archaeology Society (NOSAS). Yes. Digital.
  • <2> Personal communication: Cameron, K.. 2013. Pers Comm K Cameron re: possible henge at Urchany. Highland Council.
  • <3> Image/Drawing/Plan: North of Scotland Archaeological Society. 2013. Earthwork at Urchany. North of Scotland Archaeological Society (NoSAS). Yes. Digital.
  • <4> Text/Designation Notification/Scheduled Monument: Historic Scotland. 2014. Notification of Scheduled Monument: Urchany, barrow 595m SW of. Historic Scotland. 30/10/2014. Digital.

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Record last edited

Mar 3 2015 3:40PM

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