Monument record MHG56084 - Possible neolithic enclosure - Culduthel, Inverness


A possible neolithic mortuary enclosure, and associated features, was exposed and recorded during excavations by Headland Archaeology at Culduthel, Inverness, in 2012.


Grid reference Centred NH 6668 4148 (23m by 17m)
Map sheet NH64SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS
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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

A possible neolithic mortuary enclosure was exposed and recorded during excavations by Headland Archaeology at Culduthel, Inverness, in 2012. It was part of a cluster of features designated 'Group 1' by the excavator, which also included a long pit, twelve smaller pits and possible postholes. The ditch enclosed an area of at least 24m x 10m, aligned east-northeast- west-southwest. The recent construction of an access track had removed any trace of the east-northeast end so it may originally have extended further. The ditch survived to a depth of 0.2m and was broken on the south side by a probable entrance. The terminals were marked by shallow pits. A smaller pit was positioned in te midle of this break, just on the inside of the enclosure. The long pit was aligned similarly to the enclosure and measued 6m x 2m. Ten postholes had been cut into its base. It was considered that all of the features in 'Group 1' were broadly contemporary. Dating evidence from the features was, however, sparse but what was recovered would actually suggest a date no earlier than the Iron Age. There are, however, no parallels for the enclosure dating to the Iron Age and it was considered possible that given the concentration of Iron Age features on adjacent excavated sites that the finds may have been intrusive. <1>

<1> van Wessel, J., 2012, Culduthel Farm, Inverness, Phase 9: Archaeological Excavation for Tulloch Homes Ltd (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report). SHG25843.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: van Wessel, J.. 2012. Culduthel Farm, Inverness, Phase 9: Archaeological Excavation for Tulloch Homes Ltd. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Oct 30 2013 4:09PM

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