Monument record MHG57248 - Hut circle - Pollantobair, Assynt


A hut circle at Pollantobair, Assynt, Sutherland.


Grid reference Centred NC 0735 2720 (16m by 16m)
Map sheet NC02NE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A hut circle at Pollantobair, Assynt, Sutherland. It was found by G Sleight in March 2017. <1>

The hut circle has been included in a database set up as part of research by A Welti into round houses on the northwest coast (including parts of Wester Ross, Skye and Sutherland) originally for a dissertation on hut circles in Wester Ross. This was part of a degree course overseen by Aberdeen University. The database has subsequently been expanded as an extension of the We Digs Project (see website link below). The full access database can be made available to enquirers/researchers if requested - contact HER for details.

207350 927192 Pollantobair 2 GS501: The site lies in a sheltered bowl shaped valley with springs and burns all around. In the centre of the valley there is an area of settlement, probably 19th/20th century, on a low rocky hillock largely surrounded by peat. Views are widest to the west towards Clachtoll and the sea. There are many clearance cairns in the surrounding area of approximately 200m square. The possible hut circle lies within this settlement area. It consists of a roughly circular level platform in very poor condition, and with its north edge dug into a gentle south facing slope and the south edge built out from it. Around the edges of this platform are a few mounds and collections of stones which outline a possible internal space 10m in diameter. Average inner diameter is 9.7m. No other measurements could be taken. An aerial photograph shows a similarity of shape and size between GS500 (see MHG57247) and GS501 and these two structures, 65m apart, may have been associated. <2> <3>

Note: NGR adjusted to position as seen on 2009 vertical APs [IS-L 29/03/2017].

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Record Form: Sleight, G.. 2017. Archaeological Sites Record: Pollantobair, Assynt. Historic Assynt. Yes. Digital.
  • <2> Text/Manuscript: Welti, A.. 2012. Roundhouses of Wester Ross and parts of Skye. University of Aberdeen. Yes. Digital.
  • <3> Dataset/Database File: Welti, A.. 2009-2016. Roundhouses of Wester Ross and parts of Skye: project database. Lochbroom Field Club. Yes. Digital. GS501.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Mar 29 2017 10:16AM

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