Monument record MHG57470 - Buildings, enclosure and possible midden, Achlorachan Wood, Dromanbuie
Grid reference | Centred NH 3403 5500 (73m by 51m) |
Map sheet | NH35NW |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Old County | ROSS-SHIRE |
Civil Parish | CONTIN |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
Achlorachan Wood, Dromanbuie.
A multi-period site in three parts was recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project.
The majority of the buildings set on a glacial terrace. In the field to the south of the track there are 2 buildings, an enclosure and a possible midden scoop.
Buildings, Enclosure and possible midden (782 – 785) – centred on NH 3402 5500. Situated to the south of the track, in open ground:
782 Building - NH 34033 55004 Rectangular long range of buildings, c16m (NW-SE) x 5m overall, covered in fine turf and barely discernable. The walls of the component buildings and the divisions are hard to discern. There are three distinct dished depressions along its length.
783 Building - NH 34016 55000 Rectangular long range of buildings c23m (NW-SE) x 5m overall at right angles to 782 and a few metres to the SW of it. The lower part at the east end shows 2 clear dished depressions; the upper NW part is
less distinct. Turf covered.
784 Enclosure - NH 34031 54996 A small square enclosure, slightly cut into the slope c 10m x 10m has low turf walls. Possibly a kail yard.
785 Possible midden scoop - A roughly triangular scoop adjacent and to the NE of enclosure, 784 and in front of the east end of the range of buildings, 782. <1>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SHG24904 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2010. Report of Phase Three Loch Meig to Dalbreac: February 2008 to June 2008, August 2009 to October 2009. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. p.38 Sites 782 - 5.
- <2>XY SHG27384 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Vertical: Get Mapping. 2014. Getmapping aerial photography 2014. [Mapped features: #105748 Sites 782 - 5, Buildings, enclosure, midden, ; #105749 Sites 782 - 5, Buildings, enclosure, midden, ]
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Record last edited
Nov 17 2017 11:41AM
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