Monument record MHG57472 - Building, sheepfold/dip, wall, Achlorachan


Building, sheepfold/dip, wall at Achlorachan


Grid reference Centred NH 3308 5511 (405m by 291m)
Map sheet NH35NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN


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Type and Period (6)

Full Description

These sites, recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project, are in a sheltered SE facing position on the east bank of the Allt Ach’-Lorachain. A good track runs through the sites and to the SE there is an extensive area of improved land, 777. Adjacent and on the south side of the track there is an area of scattered stones, with access to the field being gained by a grassy track which runs through this. Also to the south of the track there is a deeply eroded channel which descends the grassy slope from NNW to SSE and several platforms which may have held buildings. A mill (MHG 57471) and sheepfold are on the north side of the track. Clearly the area has seen much activity over the last 200 years. On the old estate plans and also on a plan for a court case of 1835 it is refered to as a township. Several roofed buildings appear on the 1st edition OS survey of 1881, with one having the ground plan of the mill, the sheepfold however does not appear.

Bridge, sheepfold, sheepdip, platforms/possible buildings and enclosures (765 – 770 and 773 – 777) - centred on NH 32972 55216

764 Bridge - NH 32931 55190 The wasted stone abutments of the original bridge are seen under a more recent bailey bridge. The burn is in a small gorge at this point and the east bank is contained by a stone faced retaining wall c2m in height and extending roughly 60m upstream.

765 Possible building - NH 32935 55183 A rectangular recess in the steep river bank to the SE of the bridge. The west part of the building appears to have been destroyed ?by the stream. The recess measures 5m (N-S) x 2.5m, it is 1m deep and there is some stone composition in the back wall. A roofed building appears in this position on the 1st edition OS map.

766 Wall - NH 32941 55178 An 8m stretch of a dry stone wall is 0.8m thick and 1m in height. To the east it continues as a large earth bank, 1.5m in height and c8m in length. To the west the wall becomes much wasted before disappearing altogether. But the wall reappears on the west side of the burn where it continues southward for 100m or so, in a much wasted condition. This may be a continuation of the wall that surrounds the enclosure, 777.

768 Platform/Possible building - NH 32950 55180 A level grassy platform on an E-W axis, 12.8m x 7.2m may have been the base for a building. The platform is recessed into the slope at the N edge and platformed out at the S.

769 Sheepdip - NH 32941 55200 Situated to the west of the sheepfold, in between it and the burn there is a concrete platform 4m x 2.9m and 0.7m in height. Immediately to the N of it, and much overgrown there is a rectangular hollow, 0.3m deep with a concrete slab set on end adjacent.

770 Sheepfold - NH 32951 55216 A rectangular sheepfold on a ENE-WSW axis and measuring 26m x 18m overall, see plan. The east compartment is much wasted and the SE corner has been truncated but the SW compartment appears to have been used as a ?garden.

773 Platform/Possible building – NH 32960 55253 A few metres to the north of the mill and horse gang this platform on a N-S axis and measuring 6.8m x 3.4m may have been the base for a building. It is recessed into the slope at its west edge where it is 0.5m in height.

774 Platform - NH 33001 55229 A platform to the east of the mill and on the north side of the track is 12m x 9m. It is retained by a dry stone wall 0.5m height and an area 7m x 3m in the south part has been concreted.

775 Cairn/Possible building – NH 32981 55203 A pile of large stones, roughly 5m x 8m lies to the south of the track. A roofed building is marked in this position on the 1st edition OS map, but no wall footings could be seen.

776 Pen – NH 33032 55239 Two parallel concrete walls are c1m in height and 4m apart. The south one is 8m in length and continues as the dry stone wall that surrounds enclosure 777. The north one is just 5m in length.

777 Field/Enclosure To the SE of the main site and on a gentle SE facing slope, this field enclosure is roughly 200m x 100m. It is bounded on its south side by the river on the west side by a burn, the Allt Ach’- Lorachain, and the wall 766 and to the NE by a substantial dry stone wall which is tumbled in a few places. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2010. Report of Phase Three Loch Meig to Dalbreac: February 2008 to June 2008, August 2009 to October 2009. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. p.40 Sites 764 - 770, 773-777.
  • <2>XY Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Vertical: Get Mapping. 2014. Getmapping aerial photography 2014. [Mapped features: #105755 Sites 764-770,773-777 Bridge, building,wall,sheepdip,sheepfold,enclosure, ; #105760 Sites 764-770,773-777 Bridge, building,wall,sheepdip,sheepfold,enclosure, ]

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Nov 16 2017 11:00AM

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