Monument record MHG598 - Settlement, John O' Groats
Grid reference | Centred ND 3791 7325 (160m by 160m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | ND37SE |
Old County | CAITHNESS |
Civil Parish | CANISBAY |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
A watching brief, ahead of laying of a sewage pipe, was conducted in May 1995 at John O'Groats Hotel, either side of area assessed by GUARD in 1994 (James 1994). No archaeologically significant features were identified, though a number of artefacts were recovered from topsoil, including several pieces of worked flint, two pieces of animal bone and a single sherd of pottery, probably of 14th century date.
Sponsor: Highland Regional Council Water and Sewerage Dept.
K Taylor 1995.
GUARD was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation of area immed surrounding John O' Groats Hotel prior to a proposed extension scheme. Geophysical survey was followed by trial trenching. This involved surveying area with electrical resistivity and a fluxgate gradiometer. The results were treated in field with convendonal dot-density package GEOPLOT. A number of anomalies were detected, and the ensuing test-pitting programme set out to investigate these. Test-pits were also located on S side of proposed development area to see whether archaeological features seen in development of HIDB industrial unit extended this far N (S T Driscoll 1993).
The anomalies investigated proved to be non-archaeological, being either artificial (ie pipes), or geologically derived. The backgarden area appears to have been landscaped, probably at time of building of Hotel.
Pit 2 contained some large unshaped stones and boulders, but no finds or evidence of structures was found. The geophysical data also produced no evidence for stone built structure. This pit was nearest to hotel, and large stones may be associated with clearance work during construction of hotel.
No apparent archaeological structures within area of proposed extension scheme of John O' Groats Hotel.
H James 1994; NMRS MSS 725/48, 725/94.
An archaeological evaluation of area immed surrounding hotel was carried out by GUARD ahead of a proposed scheme of extension. The evaluation consisted of resistivity and geomagnetic surveys, followed by trial trenching.
Although geophysical anomalies were detected, these proved to be caused by modern pipes. A stone feature examined during trial excavations was interpreted as probably associated with clearance work during construction of hotel.
The assessment concluded that there were no apparent archaeological structures within the area of the proposed scheme.
MS/725/48, GUARD 27 (1994)
GUARD Report in Assoc. Docs.
Emergency excavations revealed a prehistoric settlement substantially disturbed by two separate episodes of burial. Radiocarbon evidence suggests that burials began in 11th-12th century and subsequently in 16th-17th century.
S T Driscoll 1993
Grid Reference corrected to ND 37917 73250
Final Report on Rescue Excavation at John O' Groats 1989
By Stephen T Driscoll
See Assoc. Docs. File
Construction work on site of Highland and Island Development Board industrial estate led to discovery of a large quantity of human bone in late February. April a 2 week excavation of area approx 7m by 5m conducted by Archaeology Projects Glasgow under sponsorship of Historic Buildings and Monuments.
2 broad phases of activity were revealed.
The first consisted of a massive slab pavement overlying approximately 0.5m of made-up ground. Aside from paving and a few post-holes no structural remains were discovered. The limited area examined could have been either an interior surface or an exterior paving.
The 2nd phase consisted of a burial ground. 6 intact skeletons were discovered as well as mass of scattered disarticulated human bone (2242 identifiable fragments). 2 burial rites were represented. 2 extended inhumations were oriented with their heads to NE and are probably earlier than 4 extended inhumations with their heads to W. In places it was clear that disarticulated bones have been collected and stacked together.
Pottery, worked flints and animal bones were recovered from both phases. The pottery included sherds of Late Bronze Age, Late Iron Age (Broch type), Late Iron Age (Pictish) and Norse vessels. Few Norse sherds were found in settlement contexts, so it may be assumed that burial began in Pictish or Norse period. The worked flint was closely comparable with that from Pool, Sanday (HY63NW 17). Cattle, deer and possibly seal were identified among animal bones. Radiocarbon dates for human bones are awaited.
Sponsor: SDD HBM. S Driscoll 1989b.
Driscoll, S, 1989, 'John o' Groats (Canisbay parish), human bones, pottery, flints, animal bones', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1989, p.27, 27 (Text/Publication/Article). SHG961.
Driscoll, S. T., 1993, Rescue excavations of a prehistoric settlement and Viking Age / Medieval cemetery at John O'Groats 1989, 29-37 (Text/Publication/Article). SHG1409.
James, R, 1994, ''John o' Groats Hotel (Canisbay parish): [archaeological evaluation]', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.32, 32 (Text/Publication/Article). SHG962.
Taylor, K, 1995, 'John O'Groats Hotel (Canisbay parish), watching brief', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1995, p.38, 38 (Text/Publication/Article). SHG963.
Paul Duffy, 1998, Archaeological Evaluation at the John O'Groats House Hotel (Text/Publication/Volume). SHG2612.
Sources/Archives (5)
- --- SHG1409 Text/Publication/Article: Driscoll, S. T.. 1993. Rescue excavations of a prehistoric settlement and Viking Age / Medieval cemetery at John O'Groats 1989. Glasgow Archaeol Journal Vol. 16. 29-37, fiche M1, M2, M4, . 29-37.
- --- SHG2612 Text/Publication/Volume: Paul Duffy. 1998. Archaeological Evaluation at the John O'Groats House Hotel.
- --- SHG961 Text/Publication/Article: Driscoll, S. 1989. 'John o' Groats (Canisbay parish), human bones, pottery, flints, animal bones', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1989, p.27. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 27. 27.
- --- SHG962 Text/Publication/Article: James, R. 1994. ''John o' Groats Hotel (Canisbay parish): [archaeological evaluation]', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.32. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 32. 32.
- --- SHG963 Text/Publication/Article: Taylor, K. 1995. 'John O'Groats Hotel (Canisbay parish), watching brief', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1995, p.38. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 38. 38.
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