Find Spot record MHG7041 - BA Axes - Barevan Kirk
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 8368 4726 (4m by 4m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH84NW |
Old County | NAIRNSHIRE |
Civil Parish | CAWDOR |
Geographical Area | NAIRN |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Approx NH 837 472 Two Early Bronze Age flat axes (Coles' type Ba and Bb), one of them decorated, were found before December 1833, one on top of the other, about 14 ins deep in Barevan churchyard. They were donated to the NMAS by James Curle in 1922 (Acc Nos: DQ 264-5). They are described as having been found due south of, and near, "a square stone coffin without a lid". This is subsequently referred to as a cist, but it seems more likely to be the medieval stone coffin which still lies in the graveyard (at NH 8368 4726 - see NH84NW 6).
J G Callander 1922; 1923; B R S Megaw and E M Hardy 1938; J M Coles 1962; I C Walker 1974.
Hoard, found in or before 1833 at site of old church of Barevan, one axe on top of other, 14" below the surface on a 'small height' near a cist.
(169. Flat axe of Migdale type). Flat axe, slightly corroded, green patina, sides hammered (?). Length 150mm, butt 32mm, cutting edge 87mm, weight 385 gms. NMAS DQ 265.
(192. Flat axe: decorated variant of Migdale type). Flat axe, green patina, partly corroded. Length 160mm, butt 32mm, cutting edge 91mm, weight 500 gms. NMAS DQ 264.
P K Schmidt and C B Burgess 1981.
Sources/Archives (7)
- --- SHG1472 Text/Publication/Article: Callander, J G. 1923. 'Scottish Bronze Age hoards', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 57 1922-3, p.123-66. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 123-66. 127, 320.
- --- SHG1476 Text/Publication/Article: Coles, J M. 1962. ''Scottish Late Bronze Age metalwork: typology, distributions and chronology'', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 93 1959-60, p.16-134. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 16-134. 84, 107.
- --- SHG1640 Text/Publication/Article: Walker, I C. 1974. 'The counties of Nairnshire, Moray and Banffshire in the Bronze Age, Part II', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 104 1971-2, p.71-120. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 71-120. 114.
- --- SHG166 Text/Publication/Article: Callander, J G. 1922. 'An earthenware pot found in a grave at Dunbar, East Lothian, and three short cists discovered on the golf-course there', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 56 1921-2, p.27-33. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 27-33. 358-9; illust.
- --- SHG2372 Text/Publication/Volume: Junghans, Sangmeister and Schroder, S, E and M. 1968. Studien zu den Anfangen der Metallurgie II: Kupfer und Bronze in der fruhen Metallzeit Europas. pt. 2.3, nos. 7402-3.
- --- SHG289 Text/Publication/Article: Megaw and Hardy, B R S and E M. 1938. 'British decorated axes and their diffusion during the earlier part of Bronze Age', Proc Prehist Soc Vol. 4 1938, p.272-307. Proc Prehist Soc. 272-307. 300.
- --- SHG3000 Text/Publication/Article: Schmidt and Burgess, P K and C B. 1981. 'The axes of Scotland and Northern England', Prahistorische Bronzefunde Vol. 9. Prahistorische Bronzefunde. 43, no. 169 and 45, no. 192.
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Record last edited
May 15 2017 3:39PM
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