Find Spot record MHG7056 - BA Hoard, Inshoch Moss


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Grid reference Centred NH 9459 5669 (4m by 4m)
Map sheet NH95NW
Civil Parish AULDEARN
Geographical Area NAIRN
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Similarity of bronze ring to that from Killin hoard (NN53SE 7) noted.
C Stewart 1882.

An LBA hoard, consisting of two socketed axes, two spear-heads and a semi-tubular ring, all of bronze, was found in a moss at Inchoch (?Inshoch Moss - NH 946 567), a few years before 1792, in which year it was donated to NMAS by Rev John Grant, Manse of Dundurcas, by whom it had been acquired. It dates from the late 8th c BC (DQ 73-77). J Grant 1792; J M Coles 1962.

Hoard, found before 1782, when it was given to the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
(Socketed axe of Highfield type). Socketed axe, smooth, dark green, untrimmed, blade hammered, asymmetrical casting seam, cracked on one face just above cutting edge. Length 87mm, mouth 27x32mm, cutting edge 67mm, weight 265 gms. NMAS DQ 76.
(Socketed axe of Highfield type). Socketed axe, smooth green surface with some pitting, strong haft-ribs. Length 62mm, mouth 22x25mm, cutting edge 43mm, weight 145 gms. NMAS DQ 77.
Associated finds: two leaf-shaped spearheads, one with fillet-defined socket; tubular ring.
P K Schmidt and C B Burgess 1981.

Sources/Archives (6)

  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Stewart, C. 1882. 'Notice of a hoard of bronze weapons and other articles found at Monadh-Mor, Killin', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 16 1881-2, p.27-31. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 27-31. 30-1.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Grant, J. 1792. 'Of the brass and iron used by the ancients', Archaeol Scot Vol. 1 1792, p.241-51. Archaeol Scot. 241-51. 241-51.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Callander, J G. 1923. 'Scottish Bronze Age hoards', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 57 1922-3, p.123-66. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 123-66. 144-5, no. 12.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Coles, J M. 1962. ''Scottish Late Bronze Age metalwork: typology, distributions and chronology'', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 93 1959-60, p.16-134. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 16-134. 122.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Walker, I C. 1974. 'The counties of Nairnshire, Moray and Banffshire in the Bronze Age, Part II', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 104 1971-2, p.71-120. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 71-120. 118.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Schmidt and Burgess, P K and C B. 1981. 'The axes of Scotland and Northern England', Prahistorische Bronzefunde Vol. 9. Prahistorische Bronzefunde. pp. 181, no. 1020 and 182, no. 1027.

Finds (3)

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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