Monument record MHG7205 - Garblies
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 9344 5490 (6m by 6m) |
Map sheet | NH95SW |
Old County | NAIRNSHIRE |
Civil Parish | AULDEARN |
Geographical Area | NAIRN |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
The following report was undertaken in the vicinity of this and other sites pre-development. Garblies Farm, Auldearn. Report of Trial Trenching November 14th- 15th 1998 by Stuart Farrell B.A A.I.F.A F.S.A.Scot. November 1998
A series of trial trenches were made to determine the possibility of archaeology following a resistivity survey and that the area of proposed development lies near to a number of known archaeological sites.
I would like to thank the following for their help during the work :-
- Mr.William Downie of Garblies Farm;
- Staff of Highland Council Archaeology Service.
Site Location
Cover : View of Trench no.5 from south.
Historical Background
The area of proposed development lies within an area with a number of known archaeological sites. Most evident being the find of a cist at NH 1626/6881 (as indicated on map) in 1903, though it was empty. To the south of the site, at NH 9312/5486, is a cairn of the late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age. Of a latter period there is a recorded motte at NH 9328/5477 and Penick Castle at NH 933/533.
5 trenches were made in relation to the resistivity survey of the site (Kenworthy, 1998) by a back-acting machine (JCB) with a 1.6m ditching bucket. Topsoil was stripped to the underlying natural with any archaeological features being hand cleaned.
Weather on the 14th was with heavy showers and only machining was carried out. On the morning of the 15th it was a typical bright sunny winters day.
A monitoring of the 5 trenches (numbered in blue, depicted on the plan over; After Kenworthy, 1998) revealed the following to be recorded :
- Trench 1. 21m by 1.6m. This trench was placed to determine if the features noted by Kenworthy 2-3 to possibly be pits around a possible henge 1. Trenching revealed shallow natural depressions.
- Trench 2. 9m by 1.6m. This trench was placed in the position of possible house plot no.3. No features were revealed.
- Trench 3. 10m by 1.6m. This trench was placed in the position of possible house plot no.2. No features were revealed.
- Trench 4. 10m by 1.6m. This trench was placed to determine if the feature noted by Kenworthy as 4 to be a possible henge monument. Trenching revealed no archaeological features but only natural deposits.
- Trench 5. 50m by 1.6m. This trench was placed to gain an overall view of the site and that the northern part of this trench would appraise the proposed house plot no.1 lying at the sites highest point.
5 archaeological features were noted (see plans; grid points relate to grid placed in trench for planning purposes).
Feature 1 - a small post-hole c.30cm in diameter with a charcoal stained black fill. Part excavation for a section (see photo) revealed a post-packing stone but no finds.
Feature 2 - a large post-hole c.70cm in diameter with a charcoal stained black fill. Part excavation for a section (see photo) revealed a shallow cut but no finds.
Feature 3 - a probable kiln with fire-cracked stone and a charcoal stained fill. (see photo) Initial cleaning revealed fire cracked stones, tiny specks of charcoal but no finds. The possible hearth lay in a probable natural depression as there was no indication of a cut. This feature was not fully excavated due to the proximity of the trench edge and that relating to the proposed plots it could be left undisturbed. (See recommendations)
feature 4 - a pit of fire-cracked stones c.70cm in diameter with a charcoal stained black fill. (see photo) This feature was not excavated due to its relation to another post-hole/pit which it may cut into but due to its proximity to the edge of the trench could not be ascertained.
Feature 5 - a small post-hole of indeterminate size with a charcoal stained black fill. (see photo)This feature was not excavated due to its very close proximity to the edge of the trench.
Summary of Results
It is likely that features 1 and 2 due to their close proximity relate to each other, also with features 4 and 5. To their own relationships and that of feature 3, the kiln, is unknown and must at present be placed on its own. The lack of finds make these features undatable, though a c-14 date might have been obtainable from one of the features that was outwith the scope of this work. It is highly likely that all these features are prehistoric in date.
Further to the above work the following recommendations are to be made :
- In relation to the proposed house plots 2 and 3 (trenches 3 and 2 respectively) no immediate action is suggested though it would be recommended that house plot 2's entrance way should be to the south of the building and not to the north.
- In relation to feature 3, the kiln, no house plot should be allowed in this area. The site owner, Mr.Downie, agreed that this area would in all likelihood become an area of garden. And if the above is considered this would safeguard any features associated with features 1 and 2.
- In relation to the proposed house plot lying to the north of trench 5 it is recommended that a watching brief with a small scale excavation be considered as a minimum requirement, which should take place as any groundwork is undertaken.
Overall it is recommended that if permission is given and further archaeological work is to be carried out an idea of the possible prehistoric settlement of this area will be better understood.
Stuart Farrell
Kenworthy, J. (1998) Report on the archaeological resistivity survey of proposed house sites, Garblies Farm, Auldearn, Nairn, September 1998. Report held by Highland Council Archaeology Service, Inverness.
Author's Address
67 Harbour Street
IV12 4NX
NH95SW 1 9344 5490.
(NH 9344 5490) Stone Coffins found (NAT)
OS 6" map (1906)
Stone coffins containing human remains were found, about 1800, in a small wooded knoll.
Name Book 1869
No further information about the coffins. The site is a natural knoll 2.0m high. A large pit, now containing field-clearance stones, has been dug on the south side.
Visited by OS (RB) 26 November 1965
Sources/Archives (16)
- --- SHG12474 Image/Photograph(s): General view of trenches from S.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12475 Image/Photograph(s): Trench 2.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12476 Image/Photograph(s): Trench 3.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12477 Image/Photograph(s): Trench 4.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12478 Image/Photograph(s): Trench 5 from S.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12479 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 1 from E. (P.Hole). Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12480 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 2 : Post-Hole from W.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12481 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 3 : Hearth from W.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12482 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 3 : Hearth from W.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12483 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 3 from W, with scale.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12484 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 3 : Hearth from W.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12485 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 3 : Possible hearth from W.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12486 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 4 : Pit from W.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG12487 Image/Photograph(s): Feature 5 : Post-hole from E.. Colour Slide; Digital Image. .
- --- SHG2672 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1978. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. The archaeological sites and monuments of Nairn District, Highland Region. . 10, No. 32.
- --- SHG3361 Text/Publication/Volume: Name Book (County). Object Name Books of the Ordnance Survey. Book No.3, 37.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jun 20 2017 12:03PM
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