Monument record MHG7812 - Dun Lagaidh
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NH 1422 9135 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NH19SW |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Old County | ROSS-SHIRE |
Civil Parish | LOCHBROOM |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Site visit 10/12/2002 Mr Bastow (local researcher) points out that stone used in two phases different and that early phases used local stone, but later phase uses stone that is derived from outcrops S of Blarnalevoch township. Part of the internal walling, steps are still visible, but much of structure only visible as stone scree. Excavation spoil is dumped in mound on outside W side of tower stucture. Vitrification visible in places on W side as are parts of external walling. General views. - HAW 12/2002
Lochbroom Local Plan, April 1999: P12/3.22. SAM.
See assoc. docs. File (photo).
Field sketch of Fort and Broch - see Assoc. Docs. File.
J Aitken : 18/12/00.
NH19SW 3 1423 9135.
Dun Lagaidh (NAT). Fort & Broch (NR) (rems of) OS 6"map, 1968
Dun Lagaidh: A complex on an oval rocky hill comprising a timber-laced fort, now vitrified, overlaid by a dun (not broch as suggested by Feachem, 1963) which was utilised as a castle in medieval times. Excavations by MacKie in 1967-8 revealed that the fort, formed by a single wall, measured 85 yds in length by between 20 and 30 yards wide, with an additional outer wall defending the E end, where a narrow entrance passage can be seen. A C.14 date of c. 565 BC was obtained for a carbonised branch under the fort wall. The only artifact found in association was a fragment of thin bronze, possibly part of a mirror or razor.
The dun overlies the E side of the fort, and measures c. 58' overall diameter with solid walls 11' - 14' thick. The E entrance, with single guard chamber, is checked for two doors, and on the opposite side of the central court can be seen an entrance leading to an intra-mural stair, now comprising 16 steps. Finds from the central court include a bronze ring pin, an iron two-link bit, several bone bobbins, many short iron nails, and fragments of sheet bronze with rivets, possibly chippings from a patch for a metal vessel.
The site was reoccupied and refortified, probably in the 12th century, when the dun was converted for use as a castle. The entrance was blocked, the wall strengthened and the intra-mural stair re-used as an entrance. Two radial walls were built from the dun to the walls of the vitrified fort, thus forming a bailey. Under rubble from the N radial wall was discovered a hoard of 15 whole and 9 half coins, identified as silver short-cross pennies of the late 12th - early 13th century.
E W Mackie 1967, 1968, 1969; R W Feachem 1963
As described and planned by MacKie. Surveyed at 1:2500
Visited by OS (N K B) 25 September 1970
Surveyed at 1:10560 Visited by OS (N K B) 19 October 1964
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SHG353 Text/Publication/Article: Euan W MacKie. 1974. 'Some new quernstones from brochs and duns.', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 104, p.137-46. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 137-46. 137-46.
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Record last edited
Mar 4 2015 1:45PM
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