Monument record MHG9332 - Allt an Duin


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Grid reference Centred NC 8119 2570 (177m by 248m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC82NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish KILDONAN


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NC82NW 16 812 256.

Situated on the NW shoulder of Ceannabhaid and centred on
NC 812256 are two similar, small hut circles ('A' and 'B') and a minor field system. They have been set into the slope and measure 7.0m E-W by 6.5m and 6.0m N-S by 5.0m respectively within heather-covered walls spread to 2.0m. Their respective entrances are in the W and S. A minor field system of about 4 hectares, indicated by scattered clearance heaps and a few lynchets surrounds the huts. No measurable plots were encountered. At NC 81182555 overlooking the steep sided gully of the Allt an Duin is another hut circle (C). It is seen as a level heather-covered platform ringed by slight traces of a stone wall; within this it measures 13.0m N-S by 11.5m. No obvious entrance is visible although a slight depression in the N arc may indicate its position. There are no signs of contemporary cultivation in the immedite vicinity, although the hut lies close to the nearby minor field system which is situated on the more level ground above the hut.
Surveyed at 1:10 560.
Visited by OS (JB) 21 Feburary 1977

On the E side of the valley of the Allt an Duin there are at least four hut-circles situated on a series of small natural terraces. Amongst the hut-circles there is a scatter of small cairns measuring up to 5m in diameter and 0.4m in height. Several have been cut by the track.

A. NC 8124 2566 This hut-circle measures 6.8m from NE to SW by 5.8m transversely within a bank 1.6m in thickness and 0.75m in height. The entrance is on the W and the interior has been levelled into the slope. (KILD91 14)

B. NC 8118 2565 This hut-circle has been largely obscured by spoil from a recently built track.

C. NC 8118 2555 This hut-circle is set on a low terrace above the Allt an Duin and measures 15m in diameter within a stony bank 2.2m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance lies on the N.
(KILD91 15)

D. NC 8127 2554 This hut-circle measures 6.8m from N to S by 5.7m transversely within a bank 2m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance lies on the S and the bank is broken to the N.
(KILD91 16)

Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 6 March 1991.

The remains of what may be a fifth hut circle (E) are visible on oblique aerial photographs (RCAHMSAP 1991). This possible hut circle is situated to the W of the terminus of the track at NC 813 253.

RCAHMSAP (RHM) 5 Nov 1993.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1993. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Strath of Kildonan: an archaeological survey. .

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Oct 20 2016 2:00PM

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