Monument record MHG9349 - Cnoc Bad Na H-Eirig
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 8800 2650 (100m by 100m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC82NE |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | KILDONAN |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NC82NE 32 880 265.
Centred at NC 880265 on the SE side of a burn and on a SW-facing hillslope, are three hut circles ('A' 'B' and 'C').
'A' is 11.5m in diameter within a heather- covered wall 0.7m high, with a general spread of 3.0m widening to about 5.0m at the clubbed entrance in the S.
'B' in contrast to 'A' has a thin wall, 1.8m wide at the entrance in the SW where earth-fast stones probably represent the inner and outer faces. The hut measures 7.5m in diameter internally.
There is a series of three parallel lynchets, down the slope from huts A & B giving plots about 45m x 30m. No clearance is visible.
At NC 88182640 set on a slight SW-facing slope is another hut circle thickly covered by heather. It measures 11.5m N-S by 10m within a wall spread up to 3.5m. The entrance is in the S. No clear traces of contemporary cultivation were seen in its vicinity.
Surveyed at 1/10,000 Visited by OS (J B) 2 December 1976
On the W flank of Cnoc Bad na h-Eirig and to the SE of an unnamed burn, there are at least six hut-circles, several well-developed lynchets and a scatter of small cairns to the NW of the hut-circles.
A. NC 8796 2650 This heather-covered hut-circle is situated on the SE edge of the steeply incised gully of an unnamed burn. It measures 7.3m from N to S by 6m transversely within a stony bank 2.7m in thickness and up to 0.3m in height. The entrance is on the W and the NE side is levelled into the slope.
(KILD91 402)
B. NC 8802 2652 This heather-covered hut-circle is situated on the SE edge of the deeply incised gully of an unnamed burn. It measures 11m in diameter within a bank 4.5m in thickness and 1m in height. The entrance is on the SW, where the interior of the hut-circle has been built up, while the NE of the interior has been levelled into the slope by about 1.1m.
(KILD91 401)
C. NC 8819 2640 This hut-circle is situated on a slight knoll on a gentle W-facing slope. It measures 10.1m from N to S by 8.8m transversely within a grass-grown bank 2.8m in thickness and 0.8m in height. The entrance is on the S where the interior has been built up to create a level floor.
(KILD91 400)
D. NC 8786 2644 This grass- and heather-covered hut-circle is situated towards the SW end of a narrow glacial ridge running along the SE side of an unnamed burn. It measures 9.6m from N to S by 8m transversely within a bank 2.6m in thickness and 0.4m in height. The entrance is on the S, openinng out onto a small stony apron. The hut-circle is levelled into the slope to the E and N and has been built up to the W. (KILD91 403)
E. NC 8811 2562 This hut-circle is levelled into a gentle slope creating a platform which measures 9.2m in diameter and 0.3m in height. The entrance is on the SE and there is an intermittent bank around the edge of the platform.
(KILD91 398)
F. NC 8822 2644 This hut-circle measures 8.8m in diameter within a bank 3m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance is on the SW and the interior is slightly levelled into the slope. The W side has been removed by a trackway.
(KILD91 399)
To the S of the unnamed burn and amongst the hut-circles there is a series of substantial lynchets, up to 1.2m in height; the best examples lie to the W of 'C' and SE of 'A'. There may be up to three sub-rectangular plots aligned along the contour immediately to the S of hut-circles 'A' and 'B'. On a broad terrace to the NE of 'F' there are at least six small cairns measuring up to 4m in diameter and 0.4m in height.
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 8 May 1991.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SHG2669 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1993. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Strath of Kildonan: an archaeological survey. .
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- None recorded
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Record last edited
Jan 28 2008 12:00AM
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