Monument record MHG9511 - Cnoc Tuarie


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Grid reference Centred NC 8244 2039 (320m by 162m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC82SW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish KILDONAN


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Full Description

NC82SW 2 824 203.

(A: NC 82312035, B: NC82492039) Hut Circle (NR) (twice) (NC 82402035) Cairn (NR)
OS 6"map, (1962)

A group of three hut circles (A-C) with two possible fields outlined by boulders, and the remains of a possible cairn (D) were discovered during field investigation. Within A is a ring of boulders 4.0m in diameter, possibly a smaller hut.
Visited by OS (J L D) 15 July 1961

On the south-facing lower slopes above Tuarie Burn is a settlement of four huts (A-D); the alleged cairn (D) being a wasted hut.
A, B and D are of similar form varying between 7.0m and 8.0m internal diameter within a wall 1.7m to 2.0m thick, faced on the inside with upright boulders. Their entrances are in the east or south-east arcs. Hut 'A' is the best- preserved, its wall 0.6m high widening to about 3.0m at the clubbed entrance. The "ring of boulders" within it, noted by the previous field investigator, is probably a later lambing pen. Hut 'D' contains the fragmentary remains of a souterrain in its south arc. All that survives are two contiguous lintel slabs, 1.1m long, at the same level as the hut interior, which span a passage beneath the hut wall, and radial to the hut. This passage is blocked and silted and is now 0.2m high. Access connot be gained and its length is indeterminate. Outside the hut around the south arc the ground is turf-covered and disturbed, and there is no structural evidence of the souterrain.
Hut 'C' is oval 11.5m NW-SE by 10.5m within a wall spread to 3.0m wide at the clubbed SE entrance, but elsewhere obscured by peat.
The two irregular enclosures published on OS 6" 1962, and the fragmentary remains of a third to the west of hut 'A', are of single boulder construction; as such they are contemporary with the huts, though the wall around the nearby deserted township (NC 82 SW 9) is not dissimilar, and there is evidence of run-rig around the huts. There is no evidence of cultivation within the enclosures, and only sporadic field clearance heaps elsewhere.
Surveyed at 1:10 560.
Visited by OS (N K B) 2 March 1977

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Record last edited

Oct 27 2016 3:21PM

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