Monument record MHG9915 - Ach an Fhionnfhuaraidh
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 9018 2404 (178m by 89m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC92SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | KILDONAN |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NC92SW 14 901 240.
(A : NC 90162403, B : NC 90132406 and C : NC 90242405) Enclosures (NR). OS 6"map, (1963)
A settlement of three hut-circles (A-C) discovered during field investigation (Information from OS (W D J) 2 June 1961) on a W-facing slope, in association with a minor field system. The latter, in an area heavily masked by heather, is evidenced by sporadic, barely distinguishable, mounds of stone clearance, and, close to the N in hut 'B'by lyncheting and banking. There is abandoned 18/19th settlement to the S. The huts, in the main peat-covered, appear of similar type.
'A', levelled out of the slope and 10.0m internal diameter, stands to 1.3m in the SE half; a robust wall, spread on average to 2.5m broad, shows intermittently an inner facing of boulder slab. An entrance is from the NW.
'B' is 7.5m inside diameter; the wall, at best 0.4m high, is spread to 2.0m. An entrance is no longer evident. The hut would seem to lie within another larger, but less well-preserved hut of estimated diameter internally 12.0m. The latter is slightly levelled into the slope, but otherwise no structural features are visible.
'C' is 13.0 diameter within a wall broadly similar to that of hut 'B'. An entrance is in the NW.
Huts A and C - Surveyed at 1:10,560.
Hut B - Revised at 1:10,560.
Visited by OS (J M) 13 January 1977
There are four hut-circles set on a series of terraces amidst a scatter of small cairns, lynchets and banks.
A. NC 9016 2403 This hut-circle is situated on the leading edge of a terrace and measures 8.5m in diameter within a stony bank 2.8m in thickness and 1m in height. On the E the interior is levelled into the hillside, and the entrance may be on the NW. There is a stony apron on the W and a well-developed lynchet runs off to the N.
(KILD91 378)
B. NC 9014 2406 There are two distinct phases of construction visible in this hut-circle. The earlier hut-circle measures 10.5m in diameter within a low heather-covered bank 2.5m in thickness. The later is offset to the W of the interior of the earlier, with a common wall, and measures 6.5m in diameter within a stone-faced bank 1m in thickness with the entrance lying on the NW. The gap between the hut-circle walls contains some clearance heaps.
Outside the hut-circle wall, and to the S, there is an oblong stony mound. A lynchet runs off from the hut-circle wall, to the N and S and what may be a large, poorly-defined hut-circle is situated some 5m to the N.
(KILD91 374)
C. NC 9025 2405 This hut-circle comprises a platform measuring 12m in diameter within a denuded heather-covered bank 1.8m in thickness and 0.6m in maximum height. The entrance may lie on the NNW but the bank around much of the W arc has been reduced by cultivation which appears to have ridden up over the edge of the platform. A bank runs off to the W from the NW of the hut-circle.
(KILD91 376)
D. NC 9012 2410 This hut-circle is cut into the slight lynchet that springs from the N side of hut-circle 'B'. It measures 5.5m in diameter within a heather-covered bank 2.1m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance is on the SSW.
(KILD91 375)
The field-system lies around the hut-circles and is composed of lynchets, mostly running along the contour, several cross-contour banks, and a scatter of cairns measuring up to 5m in diameter and 0.4m in height.
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 5 June 1991.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SHG2669 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1993. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Strath of Kildonan: an archaeological survey. .
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- None recorded
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Record last edited
Nov 1 2016 9:54AM
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