Monument record MHG9973 - Torr Mor


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Grid reference Centred NC 9169 1912 (203m by 207m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC91NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish KILDONAN


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NC91NW 18 917 191.

(NC 917 191) Hut Circles and Enclosures (NR) (seven shown (A - F)).
OS 6" map, (1964)

Seven hut circles were located during field investigation.
Visited by OS (J L D) 1 June 1961.

Situated on an undulating N-facing hill slope is a settlement of seven hut circles (A - F).
'A' is scooped into the slope with an internal diameter of 12.0m. It is mutilated on the SE side, with the entrance in this quarter. A boulder-formed field wall from the NE arc of 'B' runs down the hill joining 'A' in the SW and continues down the hill from the latter's NNE arc. From its appearance and the fact that it partially overlies the huts it is undoubtedly of later construction.
'B' measures 7.0m in diameter internally, and is scooped into the slope in the SW. The entrance is in the E.
'C' is peat obscured and measures about 8.5m in internal diameter with the entrance in the E.
'D' comprises two huts almost abutting, the northern one being 10.0m in diameter the other 8.5m in diameter internally. The walls are heavily peat-covered with occasional stones protruding; there is an average spread of 2.5m. Both have entrances in the ESE. 'E' is visible as a platform, 11.0m E-W by 9.5m overall. It is rimmed by the intermittent slight remains of a wall. The platform has been built up on the down slope in the E by 1.0m with the entrance probably in this segment.
'F' is a mutilated hut, scooped on the SW side and revetted on the down slope. It measures approximately 11.5m E-W by 9.0m within a wall spread to 2.5m. The entrance is in the E. A short length of curving field wall springs from the W arc.
Although there is no clear evidence of a field system ie clearance heaps and lynchets, the immediate area around the huts is smooth and relatively stone-free suggesting former cultivation.
Revised at 1/10,000.
Visited by OS (J B) 6 May 1976.

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Record last edited

Nov 4 2016 3:06PM

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