Monument record MHG9975 - Allt A Choire Mhoir


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Grid reference Centred NC 9159 1860 (70m by 70m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NC91NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish KILDONAN


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Enclosures (NR) (Three shown A-C)
OS 6" map, (1964)

On the hillslope W of the old hill road to Loth, are three disturbed areas which would seem to be the quarried remains of groups of enclosures.
A - occupies a small spur, and seems to be the remains of a "winged" enclosure measuring about 10 x 5.0m NW-SE x 12 x 4.0m NE-SW. Abutting on the E side of this is a small rectangular compartment measuring about 11 x 6.0m. Immediately to the N of this is a disturbed area which may denote the mutilated remains of a small hut circle.
B - close-by, to the S of the above site, are three conjoined scooped areas which are possibly the remains of enclosures. The two northern ones are 9.0m diameter, the third being 10.0m. This one has a wide gap in its NW side.
C - Some 100.0m W of 'A' are the mutilated remains of two con-joined enclosures, one 12.0m diameter, the other 9.0m. Each has a small rectangular compartment abutting on the outer side of the enclosing bank. The entrance to the northern enclosure is through an area of debris on the SE side. The entrance to the other was probably on the NW where there is a gap filled again with a scatter of stones. About 8.0m to the SW of the enclosures is an elongated depression 8.0m long x 2.5m wide x 0.8m deep. What appears to be a slab or lintel stone, lies at its NE end. To all appearances this feature looks like a collapsed earth-house but this fact could not be ascertained. Close to it are the remains of an old bank which, in turn seems to form the N side of an old hill track running generally NE-SW.
Visited by OS (J L D) 1 June 1961.

These three features, as described and planned by the previous field investigator occur within a field system which has been largely overlaid by later run rig cultivation.
The date and purpose of 'A' cannot be determined; there is little evidence to suggest a "small hut circle". Of the three "scooped areas" which constitute 'B', the central feature may be a hut with two contemporary enclosures either side, but the complex is overlaid on the W side by run rig, and positive indentification is difficult. 'C' is a homestead comprising a hut (the SE circle illustrated on OS plan) and attached circular enclosures. The hut is 7.5m in diameter internally with the entrace now filled and mutilated in the SE arc. The rectangular compartments in the hut and enclousre appear to be later mutilations. There is insufficient evidence to identify the elongated depression to the W of the hut as a souterrain; it remains a slight possibility. Revised at 1/10,000.
Visited by OS (J B) 19 October 1976.

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Record last edited

May 13 2016 12:00AM

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