Source/Archive record (Text/Publication/Article) SHG1188 - 'Notes of various objects of antiquity in Strathnaver', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 5 1862-4, p.357-60
Title | 'Notes of various objects of antiquity in Strathnaver', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 5 1862-4, p.357-60 |
Author/Originator | Joass, J M |
Date/Year | 1865 |
Source ID | 1187 |
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Referenced Monuments (13)
- MHG12075 Achany (Monument)
- MHG12647 Broch, Grummore (Monument)
- MHG12465 Cairns, Syre (Monument)
- MHG45062 Cairns, Syre (Monument)
- MHG11107 Chambered Cairn, Dun Viden (Monument)
- MHG12788 Dalharrold (Monument)
- MHG12326 Possible Hut Circle, Gob Mor (Monument)
- MHG12479 Possible Hut Circle, Syre (Monument)
- MHG11048 Red Priest's Stone & burial ground 500m NNE of (Monument)
- MHG42203 Red Priest's Stone & burial ground 500m NNE of (Monument)
- MHG42206 Red Priest's Stone & burial ground 500m NNE of (Monument)
- MHG12516 Stone circle, Clach an Righ (Monument)
- MHG12467 Syre (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Feb 20 2008 2:29PM