Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG22243 - Pol Na Maraich Mor, Invernaver Nature Reserve, Farr, Sutherland: Fieldwalking
Title | Pol Na Maraich Mor, Invernaver Nature Reserve, Farr, Sutherland: Fieldwalking |
Author/Originator | Duthie, S. et al |
Date/Year | 2004 |
HC Report Number | 1370 |
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Not a report as such but the scanned document includes the fieldwalking grids, the finds list and a location plan. Area: SUT Sites added to SMR: No
Highland Council Development and Infrastructure Service HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MHG48620 Flint scatter - Pol Na Maraich Mor, Invernaver Nature Reserve (Monument)
Referenced Events (2)
Record last edited
Oct 17 2014 3:56PM