Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG23350 - Kinakyle Township, Aviemore, Inverness-shire: Archaeological Evaluation
Title | Kinakyle Township, Aviemore, Inverness-shire: Archaeological Evaluation |
Author/Originator | Dagg, C |
Date/Year | 02/2008 |
HC Report Number | 1789 |
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Received 18/02/2008. Area: BAS Sites added to SMR: No CD Location: digital & CD
Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (6)
- MHG51509 Building (structure c), Kinakyle (Monument)
- MHG51510 Building (structure d), Kinakyle (Monument)
- MHG25003 Kinakyle (Monument)
- MHG51508 Possible building (structure b), Kinakyle (Monument)
- MHG51507 Possible threshing barn and corn kiln, Kinakyle (Monument)
- MHG53758 Wall (structure J), Kinakyle (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG2836 Field survey of Kinakyle township, Aviemore
Record last edited
Nov 20 2013 4:06PM