Source/Archive record (Image/Photograph(s)) SHG23412 - Photographic Record of Ross's Store, Shore Road, Tain

Title Photographic Record of Ross's Store, Shore Road, Tain
Date/Year 2008
Report Number HAS071105


Photographic record taken in response to planning condition. See SHG23407 for the report.

External Links (0)


Comprehensive photographic record consisting of 571 photographs and 45 drawings, plans and maps. The record is held by HCAU on CD.


Highland Council Archaeology Unit CD Archive

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Ross's Store, Shore Road, Tain (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Photographic Record at Ross's Store, Shore Road, Tain (Ref: TST07)

Record last edited

Jul 20 2009 10:53AM

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