Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG23424 - Erection of new-build house at Loch Watten, Caithness: Archaeological Watching Brief

Title Erection of new-build house at Loch Watten, Caithness: Archaeological Watching Brief
Date/Year 16/03/2008


A desk-based assessment and watching brief were undertaken during the development of a house, access and hardstanding. The site is located adjacent to Uaigh Mhurcha Riabhaich, locally considered to be the grave of a wizard killed and buried here in 1720. There is also the possibility that this is a much more extensive prehistoric site. No archaeological features were revealed during ground clearance for this site and no further archaeological work is considered necessary.

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Body of work consists of the Fieldwork Report and eight photographs depicting the fieldwork.


Highland Council Archaeology Unit HCAU File Store

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Watching Brief for Erection of House at Land 95m NE of 20 Henderson Square

Record last edited

Jun 4 2008 4:22PM

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