Source/Archive record (Image/Drawing/Sketch Plan) SHG23816 - Photographs of ruin at 12 Peinchorran, Braes, Skye
Title | Photographs of ruin at 12 Peinchorran, Braes, Skye |
Author/Originator | Macqueen, R |
Date/Year | 10/2006 |
Plan and photographs submitted to form a photographic record of the structure as required by a planning condition.
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Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MHG51275 Building remains at 12 Peinchorran, Braes, Skye (Building)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG2755 Photographic survey of 12 Peinchorran, Braes, Skye
Record last edited
Sep 18 2008 12:39PM