Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24510 - Report of Archaeological Desktop & Walkover Survey, Scalpay Woods, Scalpay, Highland
Title | Report of Archaeological Desktop & Walkover Survey, Scalpay Woods, Scalpay, Highland |
Author/Originator | Farrell, S |
Date/Year | 08/2009 |
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Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (10)
- MHG52937 Cairn, north east of Rubha an Droma Bhain (Monument)
- MHG52936 Clearance cairn, 185m south west of Allt na Sean Chille (Monument)
- MHG52935 Farmstead and associated remains, east of Allt Guin Shuas (Monument)
- MHG35895 Lithic scatter, Rubha an Droma Bhain, Scalpay (Monument)
- MHG27800 Possible township, Scalpay (Monument)
- MHG52933 Remains of building, 150m west of Allt na Sean Chille (Monument)
- MHG52932 Remains of building, 70m east of Allt na Sean Chille (Monument)
- MHG52934 Site of building and lazy beds, south west of pond, Scalpay (Monument)
- MHG52931 Site of building, 420m north west of Scalpay House (Monument)
- MHG52938 Structure, north east of Rubha an Droma Bhain (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG3092 Desk-based assessment and walkover survey, Scalpay
Record last edited
Oct 9 2009 4:22PM