Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24626 - Woodland Establishment Archaeological Survey: East Durcha, Lairg, Sutherland
Title | Woodland Establishment Archaeological Survey: East Durcha, Lairg, Sutherland |
Author/Originator | Birch, S and Fraser, L |
Date/Year | 01/2010 |
Report Number | 001/10 |
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Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (9)
- MHG53196 Boundary dyke, east of Durcha (Monument)
- MHG53193 Clearance cairns, east of Durcha (Monument)
- MHG53198 Clearance cairns, east of Durcha (Monument)
- MHG32577 Hut circle, east of Durcha (4 of 5) (Monument)
- MHG32576 Hut circle, east of Durcha (5 of 5) (Monument)
- MHG53194 Linear field clearance, east of Durcha (Monument)
- MHG53197 Peat cuttings, east of Durcha (Monument)
- MHG53192 Possible hut circle or clearance heap, east of Durcha (Monument)
- MHG53195 Stone revetment or dyke, east of Durcha (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG3150 Desk-based assessment and walkover survey, East Durcha, Lairg
Record last edited
Feb 12 2010 4:46PM