Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24654 - Kilbraur Windfarm, Strath Brora, Highland: Phase 2 construction programme: Archaeological watching brief on excavations for the site access track, turbine bases, borrow pit and other groundworks
Title | Kilbraur Windfarm, Strath Brora, Highland: Phase 2 construction programme: Archaeological watching brief on excavations for the site access track, turbine bases, borrow pit and other groundworks |
Author/Originator | Humble, J |
Date/Year | 11/2007 |
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Includes black and white site photographs
Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
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Referenced Events (1)
- EHG3179 Phase 2 watching brief, Kilbraur Windfarm, Strath Brora (Ref: SBW02)
Record last edited
Mar 18 2010 2:19PM