Source/Archive record (Image/Photograph(s)) SHG25841 - Pictures from Kilcamb, Strontian

Title Pictures from Kilcamb, Strontian
Date/Year 2011


Jim Kirby took two pictures at Kilcamb, Strontian in 2011. The first was of The Bathing House, first recorded 1830 (NM 8090 6116) and the second was a folly on the track leading to it (NM 8091 6118). A single piece of iron slag from under a windblown tree root at NM 8097 6121 suggested a bloomery in close proximity, but most of the slag could have been recycled, either at Bonawe, or locally as a flux in smelting lead from old slag.
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Highland Council Planning & Development Service HER File Store

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Bathing House - Strontian, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
  • Folly - Ardnastaing, Ardnamurchan (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Oct 30 2013 11:47AM

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