Source/Archive record (Text/Correspondence) SHG26240 - Site visit to possible henge at Windhill

Title Site visit to possible henge at Windhill
Date/Year 2014


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This site was visited by Roland Spencer-Jones of the North of Scotland Archaeological Society on the 8th of April 2014. The location of this site was described as a low-lying water-logged field, reclaimed from the sea by an embankment presumed to be late 19th cnetury in date. There was thick coarse grass, reed and bullrushes covering the site and no evidence of an archaeological structure was visible. Spencer-Jones proposed it as a very unlikely position for a henge or other prehistroic srtucture unless the sea had been considerably lower. <1>


Highland Council Development and Infrastructure Service

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Possible Henge, Windhill (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

May 9 2014 9:25AM

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