Source/Archive record (Text/Publication/Monograph) SHG310 - Iron Age promontory forts in the Northern Isles
Title | Iron Age promontory forts in the Northern Isles |
Author/Originator | Lamb, R G |
Date/Year | 1980 |
International Standard Book Number | 0860540871 |
Source ID | 309 |
Library Number | 7174 |
Based on field surveys made between 1970 and 1973 for a PhD thesis at the University of Birmingham.
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Series: Brit Ser Suffix: a Publisher: BAR Where Published: Oxford
Referenced Monuments (23)
- MHG10768 Borve Castle (Monument)
- MHG2151 Broch, Ness (Monument)
- MHG1591 Brough Castle (Monument)
- MHG1664 Bucholly Castle (Monument)
- MHG2036 Castle of Old Wick (Monument)
- MHG42470 Castle of Old Wick (Parks and Gardens)
- MHG2038 Gote O'Tram Fort (Monument)
- MHG39842 Midden, Bucholly Castle (Monument)
- MHG1593 Nybster Broch - Roundhouse and settlement, Canisbay (Monument)
- MHG12069 Possible Fort, Eilean Nan Caorach (Monument)
- MHG608 Promontory Dun, Sgarbach (Monument)
- MHG2039 Promontory Fort, Bay of Girston (Monument)
- MHG9614 Promontory Fort, Dun Mhairtein (Monument)
- MHG2385 Promontory Fort, Holburn Head (Monument)
- MHG1031 Promontory Fort, Neck of Brough (Monument)
- MHG11934 Promontory Fort, Seanachaisteal (Monument)
- MHG1399 Promontory Fort, West Murkle (Monument)
- MHG39785 Shell Midden, West Murkle (Monument)
- MHG1693 St John's Point Promontory Fort (Monument)
- MHG2155 Stone rows, Rushy Geo (Monument)
- MHG2404 Wag of Forse, settlement 800m WSW of Forse House (Monument)
- MHG45711 Wag of Forse, settlement 800m WSW of Forse House (Monument)
- MHG45712 Wag of Forse, settlement 800m WSW of Forse House (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Aug 14 2015 2:59PM