Source/Archive record (Text/Publication/Article) SHG3189 - Civilisation of the Viking settlers in relation to their old and new countries
Title | Civilisation of the Viking settlers in relation to their old and new countries |
Author/Originator | Curle, Olsen and Shetelig, A O, M and H |
Date/Year | 1954 |
Source ID | 3188 |
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In Shetelig, H (ed.), Viking Antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, Oslo
Referenced Monuments (7)
- MHG1410 Burial - near Old St. Peter's Church, Thurso (Monument)
- MHG5134 Cairn w finds, Tote (Monument)
- MHG40106 Cairn w finds, Tote (Monument)
- MHG40107 Cairn w finds, Tote (Monument)
- MHG2348 Norse Burial, Watten (Monument)
- MHG2529 Norse Cemetery, Reay Links (Monument)
- MHG11788 Tortoise Brooch, urn; Ospisdale House (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Jun 26 2008 9:27AM