Thesaurus Term/Concept: MINE

Identifier 69343
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note An excavation made in the earth for the purpose of digging out metallic ores, coal, salt, or precious stones etc. Use specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (18)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (35)

Instances/Examples (10)

Context Record
Monument Type MHG29629 Ardintoul (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30910 Ardintoul Mine (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51858 BANNOCKBURN LIMESTONE MINE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5381 Beinn Bheag, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG27921 Camas Call Tuninn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50839 Lochaline, Silica Sand Mine (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13151 Manganese Mine, Rosehall (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2588 Mine, Tom a' Mhein (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54530 Mines and quarries - Little Scatwell (Monument)
Monument Type MHG27908 Pits, Meall an Doire Dharaich (Monument)