Site Event/Activity record EHG1373 - A830 Upgrading: Loch nan Uamh to Arisaig, Lochaber


Location A830
Grid reference Centred NM 6911 8550 (5447m by 2419m)
Map sheet NM68NE
Geographical Area LOCHABER



CFA Archaeology Ltd


Sept-Nov 2005


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A programme of archaeological excavations and recording was undertaken by CFA Archaeology Ltd (CFA) between September and November 2005. These took place within the corridor of the proposed A830 Fort William to Mallaig Trunk Road upgrading, between Loch Nan Uamh in the south-east and Arisaig in the north-west. The work was commissioned by Historic Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Ministers. Significant sites at Arisaig, Borrodale and Lochan Torr na Nighinn (Brunary Burn) were excavated, with additional work being undertaken at a number of other sites of less significance. <1> As a follow up to the 2005 work, a monitored topsoil strip was carried out in July and August 2007, targeted on areas that had previously been shown to be of archaeological sensitivity. <2> This record represents the 'parent record' for a number of different watching briefs and programmes of excavation which were undertaken along the A830 route. Please refer to 'children' records for details of individual Events. Where no substantial further fieldwork was undertaken, Monument records have been attached directly to this Event. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Report: Suddaby, I and White, R. 02/2006. A830 Upgrading - Loch nan Uamh to Arisaig, Lochaber. CFA Archaeology Ltd. . Digital.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Richardson, P. 06/2008. A830 Upgrading: Loch Nan Uamh to Arisaig, Lochaber, Highland: Archaeological Watching Brief. CFA Archaeology Ltd. Digital.
  • <3> Verbal Communication: Carey, G. 2010-2011. Comment by Giles Carey, HER Officer.

Related Monuments/Buildings (6)

  • Drystone revetting wall, Beasdale Burn (Monument)
  • Drystone wall, W of Beasdale Cottages (Monument)
  • Former Alignment of A830 (Monument)
  • Milestone, Beasdale Cottages (Monument)
  • Road Bridge Over Brunery Burn, Larichmore (Monument)
  • Rose Cottage, Arisaig (Building)

Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (6)

  • Trial Excavation, Burnt Mound, Arisaig (A830 improvements)
  • Excavation, West Borrodale (A830 improvements)
  • Evaluation and Excavation, Farmstead at Lochan Torr na Nighinn (Brunary Burn) (A830 improvements)
  • Monitoring of Topsoil Stripping, Brunary Burn
  • Monitoring of Topsoil Stripping and Excavation, Borrodale West
  • Monitoring of topsoil stripping and excavation, Borrodale East

Record last edited

Jun 27 2016 10:33AM

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