Site Event/Activity record EHG2669 - Field survey - Eilean Loch Airceig, Kilmallie


Location Eilean Loch Airceig, Kilmallie
Grid reference Centred NN 15985 88848 (41m by 49m) (Mastermap)
Map sheet NN18NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KILMALLIE



Sunart Oakwoods Research Group


Jun - Aug 2006


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A desk-based assessment and intensive walk-over survey were conducted on the island in the summer of 2007. The presence of a crannog, timber-laced vitrifed fort, causeway, chapel, burial ground, a possible building and a possible jetty were recorded, and the desk-based assessment cited historic mentions of a prison, tree plantation and grazing land. Further archaeological work was recommended to better understand the island's past. <1> <2> <3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Kirby, J E. 2007. Eilean Loch arceig, Lochaber: An Archaeological Survey and Assessment. Unaffiliated. Paper and Digital.
  • <2> Image/Photograph(s): Kirby, J. 2007. Photographs taken during field survey of Eilean Loch Airceig. Colour. Digital (scanned).
  • <3> Text/Manuscript: Kirby J E, Gasgoigne M, Dye J E & Madden P J. 2007. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2007: Chapel, Burial Ground, Vitrified Fort and Crannog. Yes. Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Burial ground at Eilean Loch Arkaig (Monument)
  • Eilean Loch Arkaig (Monument)
  • St Columba's Chapel, Eilean Loch Arkaig (Monument)

Record last edited

Oct 28 2014 2:43PM

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