Thesaurus Term/Concept: FIELD SURVEY

Identifier 145131
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note The non intrusive processes by which information is collected about the location, distribution and organisation of past human activities. The approaches can be either extensive or intensive depending the objectivies that need to be addressed.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (21)

Instances/Examples (16)

Context Record
Event Type EHG909 Field survey - Druim Mor, Swordale (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG2669 Field survey - Eilean Loch Airceig, Kilmallie (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG1099 Kinlochbervie Historic Wreck (Event - Mixed)
Event Type EHG3021 Photographic survey of building SE of Danth, Claredon, Thurso (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3226 Photographic survey of Ingleneuk, Dornoch (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3295 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Ardvreck Iron Working Site, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3299 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Clachtoll, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3296 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Clashnessie, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3290 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Doire Beathaig Shieling, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3293 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Doirean Rairidh , Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3297 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Eadar a' Chalda, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3298 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Kirkton, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3291 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Loch Beannach Township, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3292 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Poll Tigh Charraigein, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3294 Scotland's Rural Past Project, Ruigh Dorch, Assynt (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3142 Tape measure survey and detailed recording, the Thesis, Sound of Mull (SOMAP) (Event - Survey)