Site Event/Activity record EHG3027 - Excavation - Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Area 1)


Location Bellfield Farm, North Kessock
Grid reference Centred NH 64378 48535 (75m by 53m) (Centred)
Map sheet NH64NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KNOCKBAIN



Headland Archaeology Ltd


Nov 08-Jan 09



An excavation in 2008-9 by Headland Archaeology took place at Bellfield, North Kessock, to investigate and record a group of features revealed during evaluation of the site in May 2008 (see EHG2843). The location of a circular cropmark was also excavated which had not previously been evaluated due to the presence of overhead power lines. The group of features in the western part of the site were established as Neolithic while the circular cropmark was found to overlie a substantial roundhouse and associated features of Iron Age date. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Jones, E. 04/2009. Bellfield, North Kessock, Ross-shire: Area 1 Archaeological Excavation. Headland Archaeology Ltd. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (7)

  • Bronze Age pits (Phase 2), Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Monument)
  • Iron Age and later settlement, North Kessock (Landscape)
  • Iron Age midden deposit (Phase 4), Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Monument)
  • Iron Age or early medieval features (Phase 4), Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Monument)
  • Neolithic features and possible structure (Phase 1), Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Monument)
  • Possible early medieval working area (Phase 5), Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Monument)
  • Roundhouse (Phases 3 and 4), Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Monument)

Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Trial trenching - Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Ref: BLNK08)

Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Excavation - Bellfield Farm, North Kessock (Area 1) (Ref: BLNK08‐004)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 10:34AM

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