Site Event/Activity record EHG3052 - Desk-based assessment and walkover survey at Craigton, Strathbrora
Location | Land west of Craigton, Strathbrora |
Grid reference | Centred NC 66439 12386 (2012m by 1963m) (Centred) |
Map sheet | NC61SE |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Stuart Farrell
July 2009
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Stuart Farrell was commissioned by UPM Tilhill in July 2009 to undertake an archaeological desktop and walkover survey for a block of proposed forestry at Craigton, Strathbrora. Fieldwork revealed a number of previously unrecorded archaeological sites including cairns, a sheepfold, buildings, a horizontal mill and memorials. Most of the sites relate to a former farming landscape of late 18th to early 19th-century date, but later cleared in the mid 19th century to make way for a large sheep farm. The numerous cairns are undated but may be prehistoric. A number of recommendations have been made. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24445 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Farrell, S. 07/2009. Report of Archaeological Desktop & Walkover Survey: Craigton, Strathbrora, Highland. Unaffiliated. Digital.
Related Monuments/Buildings (23)
- MHG52778 Buildings and dykes, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52775 Cairn, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52773 Clearance or marker cairn, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG54771 Craigton (Monument)
- MHG54777 Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52783 Craigton Farm (Monument)
- MHG54769 Creag Riabhach (Monument)
- MHG54775 Creagan Nan Gidheal (Monument)
- MHG19104 Farmstead, Allt Coire Chaorachaidh (Monument)
- MHG19103 Farmstead, Tigh Na H-Easaich (Monument)
- MHG52780 Horizontal mill, Allt Coire Chaorachaidh (Monument)
- MHG52777 Memorial cairn, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52782 Memorial seat, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52776 Possible clearance cairn, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52772 Sheepfold, Tigh na h-Easaich (Monument)
- MHG54768 Sidhean Na Carraigh (Monument)
- MHG54772 Sidhean Na Carraigh (Monument)
- MHG19126 Site of township, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52781 Small cairn, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52779 Small pen or structure, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG52774 Stone heap, Craigton (Monument)
- MHG54767 Tigh Na H-easaich (Monument)
- MHG54770 Tigh Na H-easaich (Monument)
Record last edited
Nov 6 2015 2:06PM