Site Event/Activity record EHG3782 - DBA and walkover survey - Glen Drian, Ardnamurchan


Location Glen Drian, Ardnamurchan
Grid reference Centred NM 4759 6838 (1778m by 2053m)
Map sheet NM46NE
Geographical Area LOCHABER



West Coast Archaeological Services


Jun 2011


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An archaeological desk-based assessment and walkover survey were carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2011 on behalf of Miller Harris and Arnamurchan Estates, in Glen Drian on the north tip of the Ardnamurchan peninsula in advance of a bracken control programme. The work was undertaken to assess the nature and extent of the archaeology to inform the proposals for a programme of bracken control. The survey recorded the character and extent of archaeological sites designated as a Scheduled Ancient Monument in addition to previously unrecorded sites of archaeological interest including shielings, enclosures and boundary walls. The Post Medieval settlement was in the survey area, and found to be ruinous and mostly well-preserved. They were extensive and represent multiple phases of occupation and building. It was considered that the type and character of the archaeological sites in the survey areas were of regional and national importance which should be safeguarded. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Birch, S and Peteranna, M. 2011. Bracken Control Programme Archaeological Desk-based Assessment and Walkover survey: Ardnamurchan Estates - Glen Drian, Ardnamurchan. West Coast Archaeological Services. Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

  • Field system - Drum Liath, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
  • Glendrian, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
  • Prehistoric settlement? - Glen Drian, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
  • Shieling huts - Glen Drian, Ardnamurchan (Monument)

Record last edited

Dec 17 2013 12:28PM

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