Site Event/Activity record EHG4155 - Excavation - Foulis Estate, Kiltearn (2012 season)


Location Foulis estate, Kiltearn
Grid reference Centred NH 5887 6392 (72m by 83m)
Map sheet NH56SE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KILTEARN



Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH)


July 2012


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An archaeological excavation was carried out by members of ARCH in July 2012 in a continued investigation of a mound and a possible early routeway at Foulis Estate, Kiltearn. The excavations formed part of 'Delve into the Past', an element of the 'Stop, Look and Listen' project by ARCH. The aim of this project was to provide training for local communities in practical archaeological techniques. One trench was reopened from the previous season (see EHG4152) and another two trenches (trench 3 and trench 4) were excavated. Trench 3 was situated over a large positive anomaly from the geophysical survey (see EHG4156) and revealed a series of deposits, including a possible midden containing charcoal-rich material and animal bone. Samples from this layer dated to AD15-147 setting the mound firmly within the Iron Age. Slag and prehistoric pottery were recovered from this trench. Trench 4 was located in a field to the south-west of trench 3. Excavation provided evidence for the roadway and two ditches, one to either side of the road. To the east of a road, a secondary ditch was also identified. Notable finds included glass, glazed pottery and a copper alloy button common in the C18th and C19th. Further investigations of trench 1 aimed to explore a stone dump. Completion of the trench showed this to be a single dump of stones, perhaps related to the landscaping of the mound. There was no evidence to suggest that they were defensive or part of a drainage ditch. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Brown, L, McKeggie, L and McKeggie, L. 2012. Foulis Estate: Excavation of Foulis Mound and a possible routeway: Data structure report 2012. Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH). Digital.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Possible early roadway, Tarradale to Tain (Monument)
  • Possible motte, Foulis Castle (Monument)

Record last edited

Sep 8 2014 12:24PM

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