Monument record MHG8945 - Possible motte, Foulis Castle


A man-made mound within the policies of Foulis Castle, possibly a motte or an artificial mound constructed as part of the landscaping.


Grid reference Centred NH 58885 63958 (32m by 32m) (Approximate)
Map sheet NH56SE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KILTEARN


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Type and Period (4)

Full Description

NH56SE 22 5888 6393.

Situated in ornamental grounds of Foulis Castle is a regular, flat-topped mound, in which there are numerous stones protruding through grass, but no definite evidence of a building can be traced. The mound is approached by a ruinous bridge over stream at NH 5886 6396. It is not known whether this mound represents the site of an earlier castle (see NH 56 SE 2).
Visited by OS 15 July 1965 and 29 November 1976.

This small mound is unlikely to be the remains of a motte.
G Stell 1986.

The site was visited and recorded by NOSAS in January 2006. Recent removal of rhododendrons made the true shape of the mound much clearer. It appears to be very much a man-made feature and most likely a motte. The earthwork was observed to be a roughly circular, flat topped mound measuring c.32m at its base and c.19m diameter at the top. It is slightly raised to the west where there are some large trees growing. The vesitges of a possible earth bank are just visible in the NW segment of the summit area, roughly 10m in length and 0.8m in width and running NW-SE. The sides of the mound are very uniform. There is little evidence of a ditch to the south-west although the field wall is on a slightly raised bank. No other features such as banks, ramps or entrances were noted. Further notes and a schematic plan may be seen in the site report. <2>

The mound was investigated as part of the ARCH 'Pathways into the Path' project as a community excavation programme in 2011. In 2011 a topographic survey and a metal detecting survey were carried out. Trench 1 was opened at the base of the mound to explore the possibility of a ditch or other defensive structure in order to test the hypothesis that this site was a possible motte. A spread of small rounded and angular stones were uncovered beneath the turf which ran around part of the mound. Surface deposits contained modern material, suggesting the site was used as a modern dump. At the time of this excavation it was unclear if there was a ditch that had been filled. The feature was left for further examination in 2012. Trench 2 was opened in the field to the east of the mound to explore the existence of the old field boundary that was thought to preserve the route of an old road that ran through the area. Here, investigations revealed a possible compacted surface. Finds from the mound included a worked chert fragment - possibly a gunflint, a small tap slag fragment, a George III 'bullhead' coin from 1876, three musket balls, a metal button, a shoe buckle and a possible lead stylus. <3>

In season two (2012), a geophysical survey was carried out on the mound which highlighted an area with a large positive anomaly that warranted further investigation. Trench 3, measuring c. 8m N-S by 2m E-W was opened over this area. A complex sequence of deposits was revealed including large amounts of charcoal and bone. The nature of the deposits suggested that the site is a possible midden. Pottery from the site dated to no earlier than the 18th or 19th centuries. <4> <5>

Sources/Archives (8)

  • --- Text/Publication/Volume: Bain, R. 1899. History of the ancient province of Ross. 15.
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Various. Photographs submitted by participants in ARCH Pathways into the Past project: Evanton. Colour. Yes. Digital. Site 18.
  • --- Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1979. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. The archaeological sites and monuments of Easter Ross, Ross and Cromarty District, Highland Region. . 37, No. 345.
  • <1> Text/Publication/Article: Stell, G. 1986. Architecture and society in Easter Ross before 1707. SHG1943. 99-132. 99-132.
  • <2> Text/Record Form/Field Recording Form: Marshall, M. 01/2006. Foulis Castle. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Yes. Digital.
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: MacIver, C and McCullagh, C. 2011. Foulis Estate, Excavation and Survey of Foulis Mound and a possible routeway: Data Structure Report. Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH). Digital.
  • <4> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Poller, T. 2012. Foulis Geophysical Survey May 2012: Geophysical data and Interpretation Report. University of Glasgow. Digital.
  • <5> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Brown, L, McKeggie, L and McKeggie, L. 2012. Foulis Estate: Excavation of Foulis Mound and a possible routeway: Data structure report 2012. Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH). Digital.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (6)

Record last edited

Sep 8 2014 12:20PM

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